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11 Things That Happen if You Eat McDonald’s Every Day

What kid wouldn’t dream about eating McDonald’s every day?  Well, even us adults find it hard to resist the temptation of their menus. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, a lot of Americans developed the habit of eating it every day.

They always come out with crave-able new menus, and this is what this chain considers to be appealing, and it’s so easy to fall into the eating MC everyday trap. It’s just a comfortable, cheap, and delicious option.

And no, we don’t tell you that you should never eat it, but try to treat it more like an indulgence than a daily or weekly routine.

We’re here to let you know about the devastating effects of choosing McDonald’s every time you need a quick and convenient meal

Photo by In Green from Shutterstock

1. Increases diabetes risk

Because of simple carbohydrates that are found in fast food foods such as french fries, burgers, and even sodas, consuming them will spike your blood sugar level immediately. What does your body do to deal with this spike? Insulin is released immediately to bring the sugar levels down and lead to a spike in insulin itself.

Healthy bodies can for sure handle this from time to time, but daily insulin spikes from eating fast food all the time will lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, diabetes is the 7th most common death in the US.

2. Affects cardiovascular health

Besides the fact that, as we mentioned, you can develop diabetes, which is anyway a risk for cardiovascular disease, you will struggle in various ways because of your regular fast food habits. The amount of hidden sugars is astonishing, and for example, starting your day with breakfast will represent your whole day’s worth of sugar and fat BEFORE NOON. The amounts of sugar in fast food meals are in huge contrast with health recommendations from the American Heart Association (AHA).

Let’s dive a little deeper. More than eating your entire day rate of sugar in some morning hotcakes, you may like yourself some McFlurry. This sugar monster equals seven of the chain’s Apple Pies. About soda, that offers the full experience; we don’t even talk anymore.

The next heart killer is the trans fats, and by this we mean the crispy things that are included in all of the meals. No amount of these trans fats coming from fried food is considered safe, and consuming them will lead to high levels of bad cholesterol and low levels of good cholesterol, all of which contribute to heart disease.

3. Weight gaining

The high caloris shouldn’t even probably be discussed. Any burger or sandwich combined with french fries and soda will hit 1,000 calories with no effort. Comparing this to how many calories are recommended per day, this is usually half of everything you should consume in a day. (around 2000 calories for women and 2500 for men). Using this simple data, you can understand why people consuming fast food easily gain weight and can even become obese.

And it’s not only about numbers, but the simple carbohydrates and added sugar cause faster weight gain, especially in your belly area. Moreover, belly fat is the most dangerous fat in any other part of the body.

4. Causes bloating and puffiness

If you want to know what makes McDonald’s so addictive, we let you know that it’s the overload of sodium. It’s very common for fast foods to add flavor by pilling on the salt, even on their healthy food options. Nutritionists are saying that the amount of salt you can find in these meals is almost reaching the recommended daily sodium, of 75%. The immediate effect will be feeling bloated, swollen, or puffy because of the water retention caused by salt.

High amounts of sodium are responsible for increasing blood pressure, which brings a significant risk of strokes heart failure, heart attack, or kidney disease.

5. May lead to anxiety and depression

A recent study published in the Public Health Nutrition journal showed a link between high consumption of fast food and depression. Results reflected how those eating mostly fast food and bakery are more likely to be less active, they have generally bad dietary habits, they end up eating less nutritive foods like nuts, fruits, fish, or vegetables, and they have the tendency to remain single.

It’s already well known that poor nutrition can affect brain function and mental well-being. An easy explanation resides in the high sugar and refined carbs that lead to quick spikes and drops in blood sugar. These problems will result in energy crashes, irritability, and poor concentration.

mc donald's burger
Photo by 8th.creator from Shutterstock

6. It can jeopardize fertility

The ingredients in junk food have a negative impact on your reproductive system. High in phthalates. Fast food can affect your hormones and, in turn, your fertility and may even put your children at higher risk of birth defects.

7. It brings nutrient deficiency

Diets heavy in fast food come with deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, like fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and other nutrients essential for our body to function properly. Fast food meals lack calcium and vitamin D, and if this is the only thing you regularly eat, it can affect your bone density and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

8. It causes digestive issues

Because they are low in fiber content, which is crucial for digestive health, if you eat McDonald’s all the time instead of choosing a completely healthy meal, you will struggle with gastrointestinal issues such as constipation or bloating. Even more, they have a high-fat content, which can cause indigestion, heartburn, or other digestive problems.

9. Increases the risk of cancer

Some studies showed that processed meats like the ones used in burgers, plus the food additives in fast food, are increasing the risk of certain cancers.

10. Weakens the immune system

Eating McDonald’s instead of healthy, nutritive meals will lead to weakening your immune system and this will make you more prone to getting infections and illnesses. We explain to you how. By reducing the intake of essential nutrients like vitamins C, A, D, E, zinc, or selenium, critical for the immune system, your body becomes less effective when it comes to fighting against what is attacking your body. So, you can get a higher susceptibility to common colds, flu, or other infections.

Photo by Tine Eelman from Shutterstock

11. Leads to overeating and addiction

Fast food is made to be hyper-platable, which means it’s designed to be incredibly tasty and this comes from the combination of fat, sugar, and salt. This stimulates the brain’s reward system, releasing dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and satisfaction. Consuming it constantly, over time, the brain begins to crave the dopamine release and this leads to a cycle of cravings, potentially food addiction, and overeating.

Another fact that can lead to habitual overeating is the quantity residing in a portion that is usually larger than a regular portion and it can alter the perception of a normal portion size. Unfortunately, because of the high-calorie nature of these foods, even a small increase in portion sizes can increase calorie intake.

Fast food is consumed quickly and makes you eat mindlessly, meaning you are not aware of how much you are eating or how full you are, this is another factor contributing to overeating, along with how easy it is to get them making more and more people choose to eat McDonald’s because of its convenience and accessibility, further reinforcing poor eating habits.

Moreover, immediate gratification is perceived by our minds as a source of comfort and stress relief, creating a psychological dependence, even if you are aware of its negative health effects.

Don’t worry, there is still hope even if you feel like you crossed the line with eating fast food. In time, your body will get used to the lack of it if you manage to cook at home, limit the treats, and keep healthy snacks handy when your cravings appear.

Instead of choosing Fast Food, you can learn How To Cook Everything Fast, with this book that you can order via Amazon.

If you found our article interesting, read this one next: 10 Delicious Cortisol-Lowering Foods That Can Help Eliminate Belly Fat

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