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6 Risky FDA-Approved Store Foods That Probably Cause Food Poisoning

Risky FDA-Approved Store Food
Photo by Anastasia_Panait at Shutterstock


Rice is a staple food for more than half the world’s population and one of the oldest cereal grains. But, this risky FDA-approved store food is a high-risk option when it comes to food poisoning.

Uncooked rice can be infected with Bacillus cereus spores, a bacterium that produces toxins that cause food poisoning. These spores can thrive in dry conditions. For instance, they can easily survive in your pantry package of uncooked rice.

Unfortunately, they can also survive cooking. If your cooked rice is left at room temperature, these spores will grow into bacteria and multiply in a warm, moist environment.

The longer this risky FDA-approved store food remains at room temperature, the more likely it’ll be unsafe to eat.

To reduce your risk of illness, serve this staple as soon as it has been cooked, and be sure to refrigerate any leftover rice as quickly as possible. When reheating cooked rice, ensure it’s steaming hot before eating.

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