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6 Healthiest Alcoholic Drinks, According to Dietitians

These are the healthiest alcoholic drinks you should definitely know about!

Ok, let’s start this by saying that according to studies and doctors, there is no type of healthy alcohol out there. Any alcoholic beverage will have some effects on your brain, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Though drinking a cocktail or a glass of wine once in a while will not harm you at all, it is good to know what you are drinking and choose the best drinks that will do the least damage.

If you are up for some planning, you can include alcohol in a healthy diet and learn how to consume it mindfully. Some types of alcohol are extremely high in sugar and calories, and because of this, it is better to be aware of them and always make informed choices.

So, moderation and careful selection are the factors that can help you drink alcohol in a healthier way. Ready to discover the healthiest alcoholic drinks?

healthiest alcoholic drinks
Photo by bogubogu from Shutterstock

1. Vodka soda

Many consider this cocktail boring and completely plain, but this is the exact reason why it’s one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks out there. Its simplicity is what makes it such a strong contender on this list.

Being made with just vodka and sparkling water, this cocktail will always have less than 100 calories per serving. This absolutely depends on the brand of vodka used, but generally, it clocks around 75 calories per serving.

Another thing we love about vodka soda is that it’s entirely carb- and sugar-free. Yes, you’ve heard this right; we have a drink with no carbs or sugars. Amazing, right? This makes it a potentially better choice for those managing their weight or blood sugar levels.

Other than that, it contains sparkling water, which, despite its carbon dioxide content, is still water. You will still get hydrated while drinking alcohol, and this is a big plus. If you find it incredibly boring, you can customize it and give it a fresh touch by adding a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime.

2. Red wine

This drink has always been considered one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks, and people are still talking about its benefits and how it can help us be more healthy. Are all of these true? It depends, but dieticians found some advantages to red wine when compared to other drinks.

First of all, red wine has a lot of antioxidants. These come from a class of compounds called polyphenols, which are found in grape skins. Antioxidants are fantastic because they help the body battle free radicals, which can reduce the risk of developing certain diseases.

Considering the higher ABV (alcohol by volume), which is generally between 12 and 15%, you will probably consume red wine in moderation because there is a higher chance you will be satisfied with only one glass.

Also, another thing that makes red wine one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks is the fact that it has natural sweetness. A 5-ounce serving generally contains less than 1 gram of sugar, and all of it comes from the natural sugars found in grapes.

3. Hard seltzer

This is a drink that became so popular overnight, and we are all for it. Why do we say this? Because it’s also one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks you can find right now!

Hard seltzer is incredibly low in calories while also being tasty and satisfying your need to drink something. It’s a balanced drink that has around 90 to 120 calories per serving, making it an excellent choice for any conscious drinker. This is all due to the carbonated water base of this drink.

If you are the type who loves a more moderate alcoholic beverage, the hard seltzer might be the perfect choice for you. Most of the time, it has a much lower AVB than wine or beer. Fewer calories per serving and potentially less of a buzz? This is for sure a win-win situation for us.

The majority of hard seltzers rely on artificial flavors, but this is true only for those you can find at the supermarket. If you choose to go into a bar to make it at home, you can use real fruit juice, which is why this is one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks and has a special place here on our list.

4. Light beer

This one is for our beer lovers! Maybe this is not among the first drinks that come to mind when you think about the healthiest alcoholic drinks, but here it is on our list. What are the reasons behind the decision to put light beer on the list? Read on and find out!

Beer can’t be entirely carb-free, but light beers have a lower carbohydrate content compared to regular beers. For those who like to drink beer but at the same time want to limit their carbohydrate intake, light beer can be the perfect choice. As a rule, a single light beer usually contains around 6 grams of carbs.

Then we need to consider that this is one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks because it has a lower amount of calories compared to their full-bodied counterparts. This happens because the brewing process removes some of the fermentable sugars, resulting in a lower alcohol content and fewer calories overall.

Also, light beers have no added sugars. The sweetness you feel when you drink it is determined by the remaining malt content.

5. Tequila on the rocks

Most of the time, when you hear tequila, you’re probably thinking about shots or the famous caloric bomb known as the tequila sunrise. But these are not the only two options for tequila drinks. Actually, tequila is one of the healthiest alcoholic drinks, if you know how to drink it.

Again, the key is to combine this strong alcohol with water. How do you do this? It’s incredibly simple! You will still need a shot of tequila, but you’ll pour it over a glass full of ice.

Maybe this is not as hydrating as the vodka soda, but it’s still low in calories and has no added sugars. Also, because you combine it with water, you will finally have the chance to enjoy the true flavor of tequila.

healthiest alcoholic drinks
Photo by Brent Hofacker from Shutterstock

6. Ranch water

Margaritas are amazing, and we truly love them, but they are not really the healthiest alcoholic drinks. Most of them have over 30 grams of sugar, but hopefully, there is ranch water. This is a drink recommended by diets all around the world because its core ingredients—tequila, lime juice, and sparkling water—are naturally low in sugar.

Also, the water that is included in this cocktail is another thing that makes it so great for those drinkers who are also mindful of their health. Hydration will lessen the toxic effects of alcohol, and ranch water is perfect for anyone looking for this.

If you ask us, the beauty of ranch water lies in its simplicity and versatility. You can always choose to personalize the flavor and experiment with different sparkling water flavors.

Want to make a cocktail but run out of ice again? You might need an ice machine, and this will never be a problem anymore: Frigidaire Countertop Ice Maker, Compact Machine, 26 lbs per day, Stainless

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