Isn’t This Food Just…STINKY?
Our sense of smell is by far the oldest of the five senses. It is meant to be fine-tuned for survival, continuously evolving to keep us from walking right into the middle of a dangerous situation or eating something that could instantly kill us. However, there are times when our senses trick us, and the smell gets it wrong.
In fact, some of the most offensive, nose-wrinkling foods aren’t even rotten or dangerous, they’re simply misunderstood. On top of that, some of them are actually incredibly beneficial for our health. It’s crazy how something can smell bad but taste so good, so we decided to break some of the myths about these foods and just fill you in with how delicious they actually are!

Brussels sprouts
Well, no matter how healthy these particular vegetables are, they definitely smell as if someone passed gas and it has been lingering in the air since last Thanksgiving. It’s all due to the sulfur-containing compounds, also known as glucosinolates that cause the stench.
As Brussels sprouts cook, they also release a certain type of hydrogen sulfide, which is the same compound found in rotten eggs. However, according to food experts, there are ways to keep the stench in check. What you need to do is cook them fast, in high heat, and in a short amount of time. Even if the taste still divides the opinions of many, with the right cooking method, they can be quite tasty. Let alone how packed with nutrients they are: a real treasure!
Blue cheese
Can you think of ANYTHING that smells just like feet and looks spoiled? No? What about blue cheese? By the way, it looks spoiled because, well, it is: it literally has mold in it. Nevertheless, blue cheese is still the favorite dish of a myriad of people out there, because it tastes heavenly.
The penicillium mold in blue cheese makes those blue veins and also produces methyl ketones, which is what gives the cheese its “sweaty feet” smell.
Boiled eggs
There’s a very good reason why your coworkers give you the side eye when you bring your hard-boiled eggs to the break room. They stink. Boiled eggs have this particular smell because they are filled with sulfur-containing proteins in the whites, which release hydrogen sulfide gas when heated.
Overcooking makes the odor so much worse, and it can also cause the yolk to turn greenish-gray. If you want to keep the smell in check, you should cook it at medium heat and avoid overboiling. Moreover, adding vinegar to the water can definitely help the entire process.
Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish, made 100% from fermented vegetables. It tastes similar to something that sat in a jar long enough to get interesting in the best possible way. However, there are also certain people out there who associate the smell of kimchi with an old gym bag filled with rotten cabbage.
Kimchi’s strong smell generally comes from sulfur compounds that have been released during fermentation, and produced by lactic acid bacteria that break down vegetable sugars.
Truffle oil
You might be tempted to associate truffle oil’s smell with many things: gasoline, wet earth, and mushrooms that have been stale for way too long. The wide majority of truffle oils aren’t made from actual truffles, no. They use a specific, synthetic compound known as 2,4 dithiapentane, which copies the musky, earthy scent of truffles.
Fish sauce
A couple of drops of fish sauce can easily elevate your stir-fries, soups, and sauces with deep, savory, salty complexity. Just make sure you don’t sniff the bottle. It might smell like an old fish market that never really gets cleaned.
The fish sauce also smells just like death, and that is because it is made from fermented anchovies. During fermentation, enzymes break down the fish proteins into amino acids, especially glutamate. Glutamates are responsible for that rich umami punch. And then it goes like this: the longer it ferments, the stronger the flavor. Likewise, the funkier the smell. But as soon as it hits your food, trust me, it’s magic on a plate.
When you cut open a papaya, hold your nose. The smell isn’t anything close to the tropical paradise you imagined. Moreover, it surely doesn’t do justice to the buttery, melony taste of this incredible, exotic fruit. That’s mostly because papayas have a specific enzyme also known as papain, which breaks down proteins and gives off a musky smell. It reminds you of vomit. Anyway, the taste is great!
Stinky tofu
Well, the name is self-revealing, at least. Stinky tofu is a particular type of fermented tofu dish that is generally sold at night markets in China. It is also known for its extremely funky smell and it’s surprisingly mild, savory taste.
The funk comes from weeks, at times even months, of fermentation in a brine of fermented milk, veggies, and sometimes even meat or seafood. Even if it reeks, if you deep fry or grill it, it becomes this crispy, wonderfully delicious, umami-packed flavor bomb.
The general opinion is that if you can take a whiff of durian without losing everything you just ate, you will be immediately rewarded with one of the creamiest, most custard-like textures a fruit can give. It has quite an infamous stench, often compared to garlic, onions, and something that’s been left out for way too long. It also comes from sulfur compounds that intensify as it ripens.
Why bold flavors are very good for your health
Did you know that the number one on every anti-inflammatory food list is garlic? Garlic can be either sweet or stinky, depending on how it is cooked. One of my favorite ways to “tame” garlic is simply to roast it. Second on her list of healthy, smelly foods are anchovies.
They are amazing because they bring this salty, yet briny flavor to a dish without adding too much salt. There are plenty of strongly scented foods out there, such as those from the allium family, eggs, and even cruciferous vegetables.
They have a lot of sulfur, which is what gives them this aroma. The organosulfur compounds that are responsible for making you cry when you chop those onions are also the reason why eating onions is so good for your health. It’s ironic, come to think about it.
No matter whether it’s sweet, mild flavor from leeks, or the spicy zing of a yellow onion, all of them are rich enough and packed with plenty of nutritious ingredients. Research also shows that the organosulfur compounds in alliums could slow or even prevent the formation of cancer in the colon, esophagus, lungs, as well as mammary glands, and stomach.
Even if additional research is required, the authors of this study also suspect that allium vegetables and organosulfur compounds could help prevent cancer in humans.
How can we downplay the aroma of some smelly foods?
If you love cooking and eating bold-scented foods, you should know their aromas could potentially linger long after the kitchen is “closed.” We advise you to try these tips to alleviate the food’s smells:
You can roast them. Why don’t you try roasting the smelly vegetables or onions, instead of simply boiling them?? After all, roasting provides a creamy texture with a crusty exterior.
Use the microwave. If you microwave cruciferous vegetables, you might escape the hassle of getting rid of the smell afterward. You can place the cauliflower or broccoli in a glass bowl, cover it with some parchment, and microwave it for 2 to 3 minutes until it’s crisp-tender. If you choose to boil or steam it, make sure you don’t overcook it. That’s when it can get quite smelly.
When it comes to fishy or oniony smells that linger for a prolonged period of time after cooking, we advise you to leave a bowl of white vinegar on your countertop overnight. Or, what you can also do is simmer some cinnamon sticks, lemon peels, and ground ginger in water on the stove for a minimum 15 minutes, to efficiently take care of any stinky smells.
Are you curious to know what are the top boldly scented foods on MY list? Well, there’s anything in the allium family, such as garlic, onions, and leeks, there’s also cheese, and cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and, of course, Brussels sprouts. Naturally, we have fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and the almighty kefir, then the fish, which anchovies, sardines, and tuna, then the vinegar.
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