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7 Foods That Contain MUST-HAVE Anti-Aging Antioxidants

Do you know which are the best antioxidants your skin needs to achieve a radiant look all year long?

You probably heard of antioxidants, but why should you include them in your diet? You probably use them in your skincare routine, but they do a lot more fantastic things.

Antioxidants are assimilated with body health properties such as anti-inflammatory, skin firming, acne scar reduction, wrinkle softening, brightening, and sun damage repair. These compounds are known to fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which plays an important role in premature skin aging, hyperpigmentation, inflammatory conditions, and other serious issues.

Photo by Tatiana Bralnina from Shutterstock

There are some must-have antioxidants you should make sure to include in your daily routine and diet:

Vitamin A, in the form of retinol and retinoic acid, is known for being a wrinkle fighter, and this is the common to-go solution for combating signs of aging. Vitamin A also stimulates collagen production, and it helps with lightening brown spots, helps with acne, and offers an even-toned radiant outcome to the skin.

Vitamin C prevents skin aging, helps with lightening brown spots well, stimulates collagen, and it protects against UV damage.

Vitamin E visibly reduces UV-induced photodamage as well as decreasing the risk of cancer and stabilizing the skin barrier.

Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) applied topically brings multiple skin benefits, such as improving skin hydration, reducing fine lines and wrinkles,  and decreasing brown spots and redness. It also provides better skin elasticity.

The best way to get the most out of their benefits is to make sure your daily meal plans include all these antioxidants. We’re going to give you some examples of foods containing those and even more complex antioxidants, so you can maintain the health and vigor of your body as much as possible.

1. Almonds

Not only delicious and versatile, almonds are a powerhouse of nutrients and various antioxidants essential for your health. They are rich in vitamin E which protects cells from oxidative damage. Moreover, they contain high amounts of vitamins A and C, providing niacin (vitamin B3). All of these play a crucial role in maintaining a well-functioning metabolism and healthy skin. They contain a variety of polyphenols, also known for their antioxidant properties: magnesium, manganese, copper, phytosterols, and phenolic acid.

Almonds come with the greatest combo of antioxidants that combat free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of chronic disease. Just a handful of almonds every day will enhance your antioxidant intake, supporting your health and well-being effortlessly. You can be creative and add them to salads or other meals, or eat them as a snack.

2. Avocado

This nutrient-dense fruit is praised everywhere for how many benefits it has for our organisms. In terms of antioxidants, avocado is rich in vitamin E, supporting skin health, and vitamin C, which is vital for growth and repairing tissues, plays a key role in antioxidant defense.

Another great compound is glutathione, known as the master antioxidant, crucial for cellular defense against oxidative stress and detox. Avocado is a great source of carotenoids, beneficial for eye health, and prone to reducing the risks of age-degeneration conditions and cataracts.

Like almonds, avocados contain polyphenols but also phytosterols helping with the cholesterol level and folate (vitamin B9), which is known for its role in DNA synthetis repair. Try to incorporate avocados in your diet to assimilate all the antioxidants that protect your baby from oxidative stress and support your skin and eye health and general well-being.

Photo by Brian A Jackson from Shutterstock

3. Blueberries

Often celebrated as a superfood with a high content of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds, they contain a special type of antioxidant that gives them a blue color, named anthocyanins. This is why they have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and protect the cells from damage, leading to protecting them from chronic disease.

They are also rich in Vitamin C, supporting the immune system, and Vitamin E, which protects from oxidative damage. Moreover, they have a flavonoid called quercetin, which helps reduce blood pressure and improve heart health. Resveratrol, present in small amounts, is another antioxidant with anti-aging and disease-preventing properties.

Blueberries are also rich in phenolic acids, manganese, and fiber. Adding them to your diet will help you stay away from oxidative stress, have your cardiovascular system support, as well as promote your health and overall well-being.

4. Broccoli

Another nutrient-rich vegetable that contains lots of antioxidants and health-promoting compounds is broccoli. It’s an excellent source of vitamin C, vital for the immune system, and an aid for collagen production.

You will also find vitamin E and vitamin A essential for vision, skin health, and immune function. Other compounds are quercetin and kaempferol, flavonoids with antioxidant properties that have been studied for their inflammation reduction properties and heart health support.

Glucoraphanin is a compound that converts into sulforaphane in our body, and what it does is enhance the antioxidant qualities and protect against specific types of cancer. Lutein and zeaxanthin are important for eye health, and Indole-3-carbinol is a compound that, more than the antioxidant properties, supports hormone balance and reduces the risk of hormone-related cancers.

Broccoli in your diet will help you be protected against oxidative stress, support your detox process, improve cardiovascular and eye health, as well as reduce the risk of chronic disease.

5. Kale

Kale is a leafy green with an impressive array of antioxidants and beneficial compounds. It’s an excellent source of vitamin C that supports the immune system and protects from oxidative damage. Vitamin A, essential for skin health, is found in Kale as a precursor, beta-carotene. More than the other foods we presented until now, kale contains vitamin K, crucial for bone health and bone clotting, and provides huge amounts of this rare compound.

Other beneficial compounds are quercetin, kaempferol, which is anti-inflammatory and potentially reduces the risk of cancer; glucosinolates which support the detoxification process; and fiber, which supports digestive health.

Kale will provide various antioxidants in your body if you manage to include it in your diet. It’s great for the immune system; it keeps away oxidative stress and promotes eye and heart health.

6. Papaya

This tropical fruit is not only famous for its vibrant color but also for its impressive nutritional profile. It’s a reliable source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E. More than those powerful must-have antioxidants, it comes with other enzymes and beneficial compounds. For example, papain is an enzyme met in high concentrations that aid in digestion; it has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces symptoms of digestive disorders.

Lycopene is another amazing antioxidant that helps with protecting the cells from damage and may contribute to reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Moreover, what we can get from papaya is folate (vitamin B9), flavonoids, and fiber. Adding papaya to your meal plans will offer you a rich source of antioxidants and enzymes supporting your digestive health, immune system, and overall well-being.

Photo by Tatyana Orakova from Shutterstock

7. Pomegranate

This fruit is renowned for its high antioxidant content with various health benefits. More than being a good source of vitamin C, this is another food that comes with a great amount of vitamin K. Specifically, they contain Punicalagins, a polyphenolic antioxidant unique to pomegranates. It has the role of protecting cells, supporting heart health, and improving blood vessel function.

The Anthocyanins that give the deep red color are another powerful antioxidant. What you will get more from this fruit is that ellagic acid found in pomegranates is related to anti-inflammatory properties and potential anticancer effects. It also provides a good quantity of vitamin B9, Tannis, another compound with antioxidant properties reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, and fiber.

As for your skincare routine, make sure your products contain antioxidants. Eight Saints Skincare Cloud Whip Vitamin C Face Moisturizer Day Cream is our recommendation for maintaining glowing, healthy, and youthful skin.

Read next: 10 Surprising Foods That Spike Your Blood Sugar Like Crazy

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