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Disgusting but Healthy: Don’t Be a Wimp—Give These Nutritional Powerhouses a Try!

Did your parents push you as a kid to eat your vegetables because they are good for you? Well, in the same way, some foods such as beetroot, kimchi, or oysters may not be everyone’s idea of a good meal, but they have surprising health benefits.

Even as an adult who tries to keep himself healthy, you may still come across food that may not seem appetizing at first but because of their health benefits, you should give them a try.  They will improve your health, but the good part is that with time you may get to develop a taste for them.

Let’s see a list of the most challenging foods you should try to improve your health and get out of your comfort zone.

disgusting but healthy
Photo by yar-andy from Shutterstock

Sauerkraut and Kimchi

To be honest, with their strong and tangy flavor, they are most likely on one’s list of favorite foods.

Sauerkraut comes with a sourness that’s definitely an acquired taste for many, but as some people may love them right away, others need a little time and boldness to try the first bite.

Why should you give it a try anyway? 

Both sauerkraut and kimchi are amazing when it comes to nutrition. As they are primarily made from cabbage, they are rich in vitamin K and C, antioxidants, and fiber. Because they are fermented, they are excellent for your gut health and they help you maintain the balance of good bacteria in your digestive system, improving the process of digestion while boosting immunity.


It might as well not be your favorite because of its divisive flavor that many may find earthly, and sometimes even assimilated with dirt, and its deep, staining color doesn’t help too much in changing the opinion.

This idea is funny, and for those who manage to ignore it, they may just seem like the vegetable punishment.

Despite the taste, beetroot is an incredible food, very nutrient-dense. It’s high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Particularly, it contains folate and potassium, and, more notably, it’s packed with dietary nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide that improves blood flow.

This food is linked to athletes, as it improves stamina, but also brain health, enhancing oxygen delivery to tissues and muscles. Studies suggested that it can help lower blood pressure and protect against cognitive decline as you age.

This is not the food to win a taste competition, but in health benefits, it’s certainly worth incorporating it into your diet. Maybe you will even end up liking it.

Broccoli, kefir, and vegemite may give you a grimace, but with their benefits, they are so healthy that they are worth a second look. Here’s why you should reconsider. 


There are people with a genetic reason for being disgusted by broccoli. Their taste receptors make them extra sensitive and the bitter compounds in broccoli coming from the fact that they are cruciferous vegetables, make the flavour unpleasant to them.

If you are one of these unlucky few, keep in mind that broccoli is packed with vitamins C and K, and most importantly for your gut health: fiber. It also has minerals such as folate and potassium, making it great for digestive health and the immune system.

Broccoli is full of antioxidants that are linked to cancer prevention, Don’t worry, if the taste is too bitter you can always make it more palatable by adding it to stir-fries or soup, adding tomato sauce over it to hide the taste, and even boost the health benefits with nutrients from tomatoes.


We think it might be a turn-off for some, with its sourness that can remind you of milk gone bad, but you can challenge yourself with this one.

Why should you give it a chance? 

Despite the strong taste, kefir remains one of the most powerful source of probiotics available. The beneficial bacteria can help balance the gut issues and microbiome, not only improving digestion but boosting immunity as well, with the potential of reducing inflammation.

You can think of it as it’s a supercharged yogurt with more probiotics, that it’s easier digestible and it may work even for those who are lactose intolerant.


The intense salty flavor of Vegemite may be the reason why some find it gross, especially if it’s not coming naturally for you to strike the right balance of Vegemite, butter, and bread. the taste might be harsh for the ones who aren’t used to it.

Well, it’s more than a salty spread and it’s worth a try for the complex of vitamins, like thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), and niacin (B3), essential for energy and brain health. It contains folate, crucial for cell function and growth, and even if the idea of yeast extract doesn’t sound like the best idea, a thin layer on your toast comes with huge nutritional value.

Don’t be afraid to challenge your taste buds in the beginning and give it a change in your diet. The health benefits are amazing and we, can adapt and get used to taste, as we get with many other contexts. Be creative and find more ways to enjoy it, as well!

This is the best Vegemite you can find – Australian import. 

Liver, tuna, sardines, or even prunes may not be on the list of your favorite foods, but you can’t deny their health benefits. 

disgusting but healthy
Photo by pundapanda from Shutterstock


The fishy odor may not be for everyone, especially the smell of a tuna can opening nearby. However, a lot of people consume it due to its nutritional value. Gym-goers love tuna. Why them especially? Because it’s filled with high-quality protein, low and saturated fat, and minerals like potassium and iron, essential to maintain a healthy body.

Tuna is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, indispensable for brain and heart health. Incorporating tuna into your meals can reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular function.


Known for their strong, fishy smell and taste, they are not the kind of food you may want to enjoy in public, especially thinking about the lingering fishy breath.

However, shouldn’t you give them a try? 

Despite their unique flavor, sardines are super nutritious: rich in omega-3, calcium, and vitamin D. Including them in your diet will provide support for your heart, reduce inflammation, and boost brain function. Moreover, they are an affordable and sustainable seafood option.


The idea of eating liver it’s hard to stomach. What turns people off is the fact that it’s an organ meat, and it doesn’t sound appetizing. The taste and texture can be intense, but the liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world.

Extremely rich in vitamin A, vital for immune function, skin health, and even vision, the liver comes with various vitamins and minerals that are meant to support overall health.

If you manage to get past the taste, trust that your body is filled with significant nutritional boost.


With their reputation of causing gas and bloating, a lot of people stay away from them, even if they are so healthy.

We think more people should embrace beans, as they are one of the most affordable and nutrient-rich foods we can find. They contain lots of protein, vitamins, and minerals and they are a great source of fiber as well. If you consume beans regularly, you can improve digestion, manage weight, and lower cholesterol.

Incredibly versatile, you can easily incorporate them into soups or salads, create main dishes out of them, or add them to main dishes.


What was the first person who ever ate an oyster thinking? The way they look doesn’t do any favor to their reputation of being disgusting.

Somehow, they turned out to be extremely nutritious. High in protein, a wealth of minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium are great for our metabolism and immune health. They are a great source of vitamin B-12, so they are a great support for brain health. Other benefits are their low-in-calorie nature and healthy saturated fats.

disgusting but healthy
Photo by ContentCreater1 from Shutterstock


With their wrinkled, shriveled appearance they don’t necessarily look appetizing and they developed a reputation as a go-to food for when you’re dealing with constipation. But they are more than just a natural laxative due to their high content of fiber and the sugar sorbitol.

They are worth eating because they are packed with antioxidants and vitamins, like vitamin K, potassium which support heart and bone health. You can improve your overall health, plus keep your skin youthful by including them into your diet.

If you liked our article, read this one next: 10 Surprising Foods That Spike Your Blood Sugar Like Crazy

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