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8 Worst Canned Foods You Could Ever Buy

Photo by vaaseenaa From Envato Elements

2. Canned white tuna

I have to admit that fish is one of my favorite foods, but I am not always keen on cooking it on a daily basis. That’s why I usually tend to buy canned alternatives, mostly tuna or salmon, depending on how my appetite is at the moment. While browsing the internet and looking through healthy recipes, I discovered that not all canned tuna options are good for us, and the most dangerous ones are white tuna or albacore, which have the highest percentage of mercury levels.

Canned white tuna contains almost 0.32 parts per million of mercury, that’s why doctors recommend eating it as rarely as possible. Despite the fact that mercury is a naturally occurring element that can be found in the air, soil, and water, it can be very dangerous to our lungs, eyes, and entire digestive system.

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24 thoughts on “8 Worst Canned Foods You Could Ever Buy”

  1. It’s true that vegetables canned with brine are neither healthy nor tasty, but if you drain off the brine and fill the can with water, then pour out the water, you’ll have a vegetable that you can season to your own taste. It works pretty well.

  2. There are all beef and pure pork hot dogs available. Aren’t cows and pigs just as natural as turkeys? Beef and pork hot dogs may contain more fat, but saturated animal fat is good for your brain and cell growth.

    1. The problem is that beef and pork hot dogs are heavily processed and you are eating a lot of toxic. In addition to that natural doesn’t mean free of antibiotics, growth hormones and lungs medication to make that pig or cow fat and big to be able to go to the slaughter. Think about that the next time you buy process food.

    2. jennifer wolschlag

      Saturated fat is not good for the brain, it’s healthy cholesterol that is protective of the brain. It is not converted from saturated fat, it is converted by low fats.
      A heart healthy diet helps produce these healthy cholesterols and reduce plaque in the arteries.
      Processed meats of any kind are very bad for multiple organs. The meat we grow in this country is grown and kept in a way that makes it unhealthy to your body.
      Unless you see with your own eyes, the animal where it’s being raised and kept you cannot count on its health or nutrition.

  3. Basically it is telling us that “SALT BAD”. I agree, to much is bad. So read labels and think smart. As my Doctor always tells me… If it taste good spit it out…

  4. I thought I was going to read something new and spectacular..Common sense tells you what to look for on canned foods and I am 84 years of age and have eaten and now am surviving on many types of canned foods and fruits…But thank you for the info?!?

    1. What about Nathan’s Hot Dogs? Bad? Good? In different? If you look at canned fruits most have corn syrup which is especially bad for you from what I comprehend. Sure fresh is best but, I would have to say everything in moderation!

        1. Read ingredients. Not any better than ballpark or ? All lunch meat and hot dogs and chicken nuggets are loaded with crap you wouldn’t eat if you saw how they were made. I worked in a meat processing plant for a short time….. ugh. Ugh. Ugh!

    1. Robert J. Vogt Sr,

      Donald Trump is not Jesus Christ, he is the devil whose is up to no good and will destroy anything that gets in his way, he believes that Hitler was a great person and Putan from Russia is his friend, wake up before it is too late,

    2. What has Donald Trump got to do with this article? Of course the fact you refer to him as Jesus Christ tells me you are incapable of rational thought anyway….. Mr. Trump would disagree with you, so just stop your nonsense.

  5. The metal leached from the can is what concerns me. No metal canned food for us but we do use things preserved in glass occasionally

  6. Gees, it will all kill us in the end. Really people key word “moderation” as if we are to believe everything we read about how bad most of our food is, we would not eat. Eating too much of just about anything will result in negative consequences (including fruits and vegetables). Additionally, if you are going to write about foods that people should never eat, the story is not complete unless you offer alternatives.

  7. I don’t know of an alternative to canned tuna. I always keep a couple cans of tuna in the pantry for a quick tuna salad, but don’t fix it on a weekly basis. What are my options?

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