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Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach: 3 Surprising Things That Can Happen

coffee on an empty stomach
Image By Africa Studio From Shutterstock

Other Concerns About Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach

Generally speaking, these concerns apply no matter if you are drinking coffee on an empty stomach or not. This is because coffee contains caffeine, which can easily cause dependence or addiction to the substance, and there are a number of people who are sensitive to caffeine due to their genetics.

Another point of contention is the fact that coffee can alter the chemistry in your brain. The more coffee you drink, the more of it you will have to drink to get the same results, especially if you use it to stay awake. This can come with its own set of issues, as high consumption of coffee can lead to palpitations, restlessness, more intense panic attacks, and a spike in anxiety levels. These can also be accompanied by migraines, high blood pressure, and headaches if you are on the sensitive side.

The major takeaway from our article is that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is not likely to cause you exponentially more problems since it does not seem to make a difference when it comes to when you drink it. If you find that you have bad reactions to drinking coffee on an empty stomach, make sure to try drinking it after you ate something else, and if they still persist, you may have to give up drinking coffee.

If you’re as much of a coffee lover as we are, make sure to check out these coffee hacks that will make your morning beverage taste better than ever, regardless of whether you drink your coffee on an empty stomach or not!

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80 thoughts on “Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach: 3 Surprising Things That Can Happen”

    1. Same feeling I have. I have been taking coffee on empty stomach for over 30years on almost daily basis. It empties my bowels and keep me active for the day.

  1. I drink a lg coffee in the morning first thing with 1/4 teaspoon of ginger, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 tablespoon cacao and 1 scoop vital proteins in it. Other than making me gabby I don’t have any issues with it. then I eat a meal about 4/5 hr. later.

      1. Gabby is being talkative. Remember the great actor “Gabby Hayes”, he earned the nickname “Gabby” due to his signature, fast-talking and often comically verbose character traits in his films. Us Baby Boomers, who grew up watching him on the big screen, loved him! Check him out!

      2. Have you never been married?
        Think about it, what would make men remain single? Maybe the fact that the other person is real gabby, and some people don’t like that

    1. I drink one cup of coffee every morning on an empty stomach. Doesn’t seem to cause any problems.

  2. I drink a 12 cup pot daily. I add milk/creamer to it. I never had any issues. I have done this for many many years. My health is better then most people My age.

    1. Rhozalyn Gordon

      Same here, but I have switched to decaf. I’m 70 & Dr recommended the switch years ago. Even without the caffeine I’m awake & ready to go. Thought it was interesting that “it is a mood booster, aids us when doing physical exercises or activities, and even improves brain function, in addition to the weight loss properties and protection from certain types of illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, and even heart disease”

  3. Yes, every morning I perk my coffee on the stove (the old fashioned way).I am very fond of my own coffee. It seems to have done no harm on an empty stomach…I feel rather full, but I eat a small meal later.

  4. I have been a coffee drinker for years. I drink it every morning about three or four cups prior to having breakfast. At 81 coffee is definitely my go to drink. I usually prepare the coffee pot the night before so I can turn it on first thing in the morning.

    1. That’s what my Hubby does he then had a pastry with it. After he drinks his 2 cups I make another craft. I drink it with cream and a Banana. Than we’ll sometimes make breakfast meal. Like a bagel @& eggs. Or yogurt with fruit & gronola. That’s our start of the day. Hubby will have another cup fof coffee later on in his afternoon. With something sweet.

  5. I drink coffee and find the best way is in the morning, black. It’s a wonderful way to start my day. It actually promotes my first bowel movement. I usually drink the dark roasts, like Italian roast from a Keurig pod. It smells wonderful and robust.

  6. Coffee used to bother my stomach but itr was cuz I had Crohn’s disease as of now longer bothers my stomach anymore either way empty stomach or not I generally drink it on an empty stomach

  7. As a migraine sufferer, I have found that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can trigger those types of headaches.

  8. According to my physician, there is a definite link with caffeine and acid reflux. Now sure if it makes a difference when you drink. But avoiding caffeine is highly recommended for people with reflux and even IBS. I am not a doctor I only know what I have been told. I mostly drink a mixture of 80% decaf, with 20% Colombian., sometimes on an empty stomach and other times after a meal. Either way, I have no intention of quitting, at least not right now. 😛

    1. I have had acid reflux for years. I’ve been on medication for it and drink coffee all the time, with no issues.

  9. Roger Immerglick

    I am 80 years old and drinking COFFEE on a empty stomach all my life and I am in excellent health

      1. As a migraine/headache sufferer coffee with caffeine is my first go-to relief and nine times out of 10 it works. Much prefer coffee to hardcore migraine drugs.

  10. 3 large freshly ground tablespoons of organic fair trade coffee in a stainless steel insulated French press….1.5 tablespoon organic heavy whipping cream, 1.5 tablespoons of honey from my bees.

    Been doing it every morning the same way for 25+ years.

    1. When adding honey, never touch the honey with silver spoon, it destroys enzymes and other … . Always use wood or plastic spoon.

  11. …Everyone in the world who has ever consumed a cup of coffee knows that the number one effect on most consumers is that 30 minutes into enjoying the cup of coffee…you have to pee. For those of us old enough to know…as you age…the effect of the coffee / caffeine can excite your bladder for hours. I get why someone would want to consume coffee, as it does get your motor running…and in my parents era, it certainly burned off that hangover from the night before. However, I drink coffee….(four sugars, four creams…or preferably…chilled containers of cream and sugar dispensers)…because it tastes great. But I plan my coffee drinking to insure I will be near a restroom…poste haste! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    1. You are actually drinking coffee flavored syrup with that much sugar your kidneys are trying to save your life every trip to the bathroom

  12. I have been drinking coffee on an empty stomach for over 50 years and have never had a problem with it. I drink 2 large cups every morning.

  13. I drink coffee in the morning but find that if I don’t eat something first I become nauseated so I now have a slice of toast before drinking coffee!

  14. When in high school, I had migraine headaches. I noticed that whenever I started drinking hot, strong black coffee, they went away. I am now 80 and still drink a lot of black coffee. Out of concern, my son advised me that he wanted me to limit my consumption to two (2) cups a day. In my best effort to comply, I went out and bought a 28 oz. coffee cup. That sort of works but sometimes I still go for a third or fourth cup. . . . I drink it first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. No plans or reason to stop. I require no maintenance meds and still work full time with enough energy to put younger people well behind.. All blood work is excellent. Charter member of the world’s largest fraternity: Getta-cuppa-coffee . . .

  15. I drink my coffee in the morning on an empty stomach with an tsp unsweetened Hazelnut Creamer, 1 scoop of Collagen and 1 ounce of Unsweetened Almond Milk plus 3 packets of sweet and low. I don’t have any problems and seem to do well…

  16. I drink Folgers half and half coffee with a flavored creamer on an empty stomach and have been doing this for about a year. Sometimes, I will eat a banana too in the am. No health issues from drinking coffee on an empty stomach. It keeps me full until lunchtime!

  17. I noticed that if I drink coffee first in the morning and without any food I get stomach aches. However, with food I’m good.

  18. I’m going to be 85 here in a couple of months and I’ve been drinking coffee since I was little, probably 4 or 5 yrs old. My grandmothers next door neighbor used to have little coffee parties for the neighborhood kids. We had little kid sized cups and she’d add sugar and milk. As an adult I drink my coffee black and when I was working drank at minimum a pot a day. I’ve had very few headaches in my life. No stomach issues until I somehow managed to give myself a hiatal hernia. Coffee still doesn’t bother me. I can drink a cup just before I go to bed and sleep like a baby. Love, love, love my coffee.

  19. I drink about two cup of Black Silk every morning and one in the evening. I just like the taste. No problems here.

  20. Lashunda Woodall

    Yes I drink coffee, morning and evening. And I do drink it on an empty stomach. It’s a habit and I have been doing it for years.

  21. I have enjoyed a cup of black coffee every morning for many years and have had no problems. That first sip, for me, is still an ‘awe’ moment‼️ ☕️ that tastes so good!

  22. Mary Ann Dillard

    i drink aabout a 12 cup pot a day, weak with 2 percent milk. i will be 85 soon and been doing this all my life.when i was about four or so,my granddaddy would fix me coffee in a saucer with sugar on it, and i ate it with a spoon, while he drank his. my daddy drank about a pot a day , weak also. i love coffee and make a cup before i go to bed, so if i wake up and can’t sleep i have my cup ready. it is not fresh but makes me sleepy, and i go back to bed and sleep like a baby. i never get headaches or stomach aches from it. i will always have coffee first thing in the morning. i love ,love coffee. my memories with my family,always include coffee.

  23. I drink 2 bottles of water 1st, 30 mins later I drink 1 large cup of coffee, 30 mins later I eat 3 eggs ova easy. I’m up at 6:15 am Monday thru Friday. Sat and Sunday Varies

  24. Veronique Lemanski

    I love my coffee a little French vanilla creamer and I’m good, I drink it all day and even right up to when I go to bed , no stomach issues and no trouble sleeping

  25. I have my morning pills with my coffee because I have acid reflux other than that I don’t usually have time to eat until about 3 hours later

  26. Rebecca Forbus

    I’m so surprised at how many say they drink coffee all day, or some morning & again at night, & have no trouble sleeping! I always thought one of the reasons for drinking coffee in the morning was to perk you up & get you alert & moving into your day. Bright eyed & bushy tailed!😀

  27. I avoid coffee most of my youth (20-40) because of stomach ulcers. When ulcers was successful treated, I started to drink black coffee every morning because I read, coffee has lots of health benefits. Anyway, more than decade past, my ulcer had not came back. My millennial bosses said, my brain is as sharp as a 20 year old. I think it’s because of the coffee. Because many of my peers (60-70+,are slow and have difficulty understanding new concept). So drink up..

  28. I drink a cup 4-5 days and sometimes it upsets my system awful but it also regulates my bowels depending on the strength of the coffee.

  29. Has anyone who has IBS found a coffee that does not cause stomach cramps? I miss my coffee but can’t drink it anymore even decaf.

  30. Love hearing all the coffee drinkers success stories. I too am a long time coffee drinker. In recent years, I’ve been more intentional about drinking my coffee, black and early in the morning before I eat anything. In fact, I recommend it for those who practice a lifestyle of intermittent fasting. The coffee certainly helps curb my hunger until I break my fast around noon or so. I might add that at age 67, I am in pretty good shape… No health issues and at my last physical in February my blood sugar, blood pressure and all of those markers were just fine. Hallelujah!!!

  31. I have acid reflux, and I drink on an empty stomach however I
    the coffee has to be dark roast only it has less acid.

  32. Sometimes it gives me heartburn, especially if I go for a second cup, but, for the most part, with one cup I don’t have any problems. I can usually just automatically tell before I hit that, “okay, that’s enough now” moment!

  33. I’m 74 years old and have been drinking coffee for as long as I can remember. Have a cup of black coffee first thing in the morning and sometimes I drink a cup throughout the day never have any problems with sleep issues or anything else.

  34. I have a double boiler espresso machine, and I’m able to quickly make a latte, cappuccino or straight shots every morning. I normally make a double shot latte with soy and almond milk. I think my drinks compare to any café as long as I have a good fresh beans. I will never go back to drip coffee. I used to drink it and now it tastes poisonous to me.

  35. I like the tangent about Gabby. I learned more from that then all the coffee talk. I’m going to check out Gabby Hayes. You guys are funny.

  36. Coffee has little effect on me……..mostly. However, on an empty stomach in the AM it acts as a laxative—I gave it up in the daytime shortly after starting work in an office setting.

  37. I drink a half to a whole cup of water to take a pill while my coffee is brewing. Then I drink a cup or two of coffee with two teaspoons of honey or sugar, and two to three teaspoons of powdered creamer every day. I usually have breakfast with my second cup.

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