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Top 14 Healthiest Store-Bought Condiments for Americans

Condiments Are Essential For Our Meals! They can significantly enhance flavor, but can also add health benefits

Everyone is talking about how unhealthy everything in the supermarkets is, but let’s see, which are the healthiest condiments, that can be found in American stores. Are you using them? If not, you should start.

Even though most of the condiments, contain lots of added salt, sugar, and other unhealthy additives, there are still healthy choices, we should focus on, available at the supermarkets.

How do we know if a condiment is healthy? Usually, it contains nutritious ingredients, like protein, fiber, and healthy fats. So, reading the labels is essential when we’re purchasing food.

Healthy Condiments
Image by LN team from Shutterstock

Here are 14 condiments that will not make you gain weight and will also enhance your favorite dishes’ taste:

1. Tahini

Tahini is made of sesame seeds. It’s rich in plant-based protein and is popular in the Middle East.

Tahini is a super tasty and healthy condiment, usually used as a dipping for veggies. It can also be used as a dressing for salads, or it can be spread on toast and served for breakfast with a little bit of cinnamon.

2. Pesto

Pesto is a sauce made of fresh basil leaves, olive oil, Parmesan cheese, and nuts. Pesto is known for being a great source of zinc, which is an essential mineral for our immune system.

This condiment is great for vegetarians, who need more plant-based zinc per day in their diet, compared to non-vegetarians.

Pesto can be used in multiple ways, such as a topping for baked chicken, pasta sauce, or spread on a sandwich or flatbread.

Keep in mind that not every kind of pesto can be consumed by vegetarians because the cheese used is often produced using rennet, which are enzymes from calf stomachs.

3. Salsa

Salsa is a low-calorie condiment that can enhance your food’s taste and also help you lose weight. Two tablespoons of salsa have only 10 calories, that means, salsa is a healthier alternative to higher-calorie dressings. It’s usually consumed to spice up Mexican dishes like fajitas or tacos, but it’s also great with scrambled eggs.

If you want to make 100% healthy choices make sure the salsa sauce you opt for doesn’t contain added sugar and is also low in sodium.

4. Kimchi

Kimki is made of fermented vegetables and is a popular Korean condiment. There are various forms of kimchi and all of them are incredibly tasty. No matter the recipe, the main ingredients are always: cabbage, garlic, onion, chili paper, and salt. Considering that is a fermented product it’s very high in probiotics, which are great for digestion and gastrointestinal blockages.

Eating kimchi regularly may increase your immune system, skin health, and cholesterol levels. It has a lot of hidden benefits, so if you didn’t try it yet, it’s a sign to do it now!

5. Mustard

Mustard is a popular condiment all around the world. It’s made of mustard seeds, turmeric, distilled vinegar, lemon juice, garlic powder, and salt.

Mustard is very healthy and low in calories, for example, 2 teaspoons provide just 6 calories.

Even though it gained popularity being used for burgers, it can also be added to homemade salad dressing. Mustard can also be used for chicken and salmon before boiling to make a flavor crust.

6. Hummus

Humus is rich in plant-based protein, being super healthy and a great source of fiber. It’s made of chickpeas, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt. As a condiment, humus, provides a lot of benefits, since chickpeas are also a great source of magnesium.

It can be served as a veggie or snack dip, mixed into a salad, or can be simply used as a healthier alternative for mayonnaise.

7. Greek yogurt

Avoid cream-based condiments and always opt for Greek yogurt! It’s the best alternative if you want to improve your diet or lose weight. It’s a great choice since it doesn’t contain any added sugar and is rich in protein, promoting muscle growth.

Greek yogurt is used for smoothies, as a sos for baked potatoes, or even as a homemade veggie dip.

8. Guacamole

As you may already know avocados are a great source of fiber and healthy fats. But did you know that just half an avocado provides nearly 5 grams of fiber? Adding it to your diet will help you lose weight and lower cholesterol levels.

Guacamole is a paste made by smashing the avocado and combining it with garlic, onion, lime juice, and salt. Guacamole served with toast is the best idea for a healthy breakfast.

Here are: 14 Delicious and Healthy Avocado Recipes Other Than Guacamole. 

Healthy condiments
Image by margouillat photo from Shutterstock

9. Nut butter

Nut butter is rich in protein and is a healthy condiment. Unfortunately, in the past few years, a lot of people have been diagnosed with severe allergies and nut butter should be strictly avoided in such cases. If you haven’t had any similar problems before, you should eat more often nut butter. It tastes amazing, especially if served with toast (and a cup of coffee) in the morning!

10. Apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has a lot of benefits, although its main role is to enhance food taste. It’s made of fermented apple juice and can improve your sugar levels after a meal, which can be helpful for those dealing with health issues, such as diabetes.

Probably this condiment is used the most for salads. So, we suggest you consume it with green salads and homemade dressing as often as you can. It’s an easy and healthy recipe, that can be done in just 5 minutes.

11. Raw honey

Raw honey prevents cellular damage since it is rich in antioxidants. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. Raw honey can be used as a natural sweetener for coffee, tea, smoothies, yogurt, or even food dishes.

Be careful! Commercial honey and raw honey are completely different, so make sure, you choose the healthiest option!

12. Lemon juice

Lemon is very rich in Vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant. It provides significant benefits, for your skin, heart health, and, entire immune system. Vitamin C also enhances the absorption of iron from all kinds of foods.

Lemon juice can be served as a condiment with seafood and salads.

13. Red hot sos

Red hot sos are a great ingredient to enhance flavor. It can be added to literally, any kind of dish, depending on your taste.

It’s often made of cayenne paper, chili flakes, vinegar, and salt.

14. Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is a very popular ingredient, being known for its nutritional benefits. Since it’s derived from the first pressing of life it has a unique taste and doesn’t need to be hardly processed. A lot of studies have shown that olive oil has the power to reduce cell damage in our bodies. It’s rich in antioxidants, and can significantly reduce inflammation.

Healthy condiments
Image by tetxu from Shutterstock

Now, that the list of healthy condiments is over, let’s see which are the ones you should strictly AVOID

Stop eating these 6 condiments:

  • Barbecue sauce
  • Queso
  • Margarine
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Teriyaki sauce
  • Pancake syrup

Now that you’re done reading, are you interested in buying some of the best condiment organizers? It can be found on Amazon at an amazing price and has thousands of positive reviews. If you want to improve your lifestyle and eat healthier, a little change in your kitchen design could be a great source of inspiration. So, what are you waiting for? Check it out right now!

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