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Diabetes Proof: 6 Spices That Help Your Condition

Did you know these spices are recommended for diabetes patients?

When it comes to diabetes, a lot of people only think about all the restrictions that may come along with it.

But it is not something that should make you change your relationship with food or give up on things you perceive as tasty.

Type 2 diabetes can be controlled through exercise, medication, and some lifestyle changes, and one of the biggest changes that aid is indeed part of your diet.

But this does not mean that maintaining and stabilizing your blood glucose levels has to come from flavorless foods.

You will have to keep an eye on the sugar content of your food, condiments, and spices, but this does not mean that you should give up on them completely.

There are many spices and condiments out there that have health benefits for diabetic patients, and they also have the added benefit of being delicious.

If you are ready to discover some of the best spices and condiments that are great for diabetes, make sure you keep on reading!

Make sure that you do pick up the habit of reading nutritional labels so that any condiment or spice we mention is going to be appropriate for your case, and be mindful of serving size. With the wide variety of choices out there, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Do you or a loved one have diabetes? What has changed about your diet? Share your experience in the comments!

foods made in China, diabetes
Photo by photocrew1 from


A staple in a lot of cuisines around the world, garlic is one of the flavorful spices that should become a staple in your diabetic diet. While we are used to using garlic powder, you should consider switching to a fresh product.

This is because garlic has been shown through studies to have a beneficial impact when it comes to regulating total cholesterol, lipoprotein, and, more importantly, blood glucose.

Garlic contains a bioactive compound called allicin, which affects the pancreatic secretion of beta cells and helps in the production and release of insulin. This is why garlic could be a great addition to a lot of dishes as an aromatic.

You can even add it to soups (like cream soups) and make confit butter for a lot of interesting dishes. And do not worry!

You can also find peeled garlic in Asian stores or even in wholesale stores. You can keep some in the fridge to use, and then mince and freeze the rest in portions for later use!


Another spice that we hear of a lot but that not many Americans are used to using in their dishes is ginger. Studies done on this spice have revealed that it can be helpful if you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

The research has shown that diabetic people who have used garlic in their diet have managed to decrease their fasting blood sugar levels, along with significantly improved hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c0) results.

Ginger contains another bioactive compound, gingerol, which has both pharmacological and physiological effects, which is why this spice is a staple in many diabetic patients’ diets.

It helps enhance the anti-inflammatory response, along with better-controlled lipid metabolism, and it also aids in modulating the insulin release and response!

You can drink ginger tea to get your share of ginger but also add it to soups, stir-fries, marinades, stews, curries, and many more dishes!

turmeric, diabetes
Image By antoninavlasova From Envato Elements


We all know that turmeric is an aid when it comes to the body’s anti-inflammatory response, but have you ever considered the diabetes-beneficial properties of this spice?

Turmeric is known for lowering blood sugar, enhancing insulting sensitivity, and, predictably, reducing inflammation related to diabetes.

The active ingredient is curcumin, which has a beneficial impact on pancreatic function and aids in controlling glucose metabolism.

It has been used as a supplement to diabetic therapy as it reduces some of the risks associated with this condition, in particular when it comes to oxidative stress; turmeric aids by shielding the vital organs from this stress.

While it is good to start adding all the spices mentioned in your diet, know that you need to be moderate with your additions and not cause any excess of any of them.

While they are flavorful and useful, less can be more, and you need to be mindful of the quantity of each spice you consume each day, along with the combined amount; they’re used to enhance meals, not become them.


When it comes to condiments, a lot of us bypass vinegar, despite how nutritionally valuable it is. It is one of the condiments that is low in carbs and calories, and it has the added benefit of having no fat or salt content.

There are many types of vinegar available on the shelves of the store; you have a wide variety to try in order to discover the ones that work best for you and your diet and meal plan.

Besides the fact that vinegar is rich in nutrients, it also has little or no sugar content, while also bringing an important aid to the table; most types of vinegar have been seen to aid in lowering blood sugar levels.

What’s more, when consumed in a carbohydrate-rich meal, it has been seen to help reduce insulin spikes and be effective in managing blood sugar levels.

You can add balsamic vinegar to rice or veggies, or you can mix it with low-sodium soy sauce in marinades to bring more flavor to the table.

You can also infuse your vinegar with all kinds of spices and herbs to make it work in your favor.

If you’re just starting with balsamic vinegar, it can be hard to know which ones to buy. This one from Amazon is one of our favorites, and it is beloved by many!

Image By Fotema From Shutterstock

Hot Sauce

If you like hot sauce, know that you do not necessarily have to give up hot sauce when you are diagnosed with diabetes!

This tongue-numbing condiment can be diabetes-approved and used to add more flavor to your meals, but you need to be careful about the type and its sugar levels.

You can make your hot sauce at home (like making your own chili oil), but even when getting it from the store, you can safely add one or two dashes to your meals with no issues.

A great reason why hot sauce can help diabetics is that research has found that it can be a regulatory factor for your appetite, which in turn can help you manage your weight better! It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which are always beneficial.

Not to mention, not having to give up something you love is always scary! Just make sure the spice will not interfere with any other medications you may have to take before going back to eating it.


Last, but not least, on our spice and condiment list is cinnamon! It can be a great addition to a number of foods, especially sweet ones, without having to worry about your blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon is naturally sweet, and while it does not compare with plain sugar sweetness, it comes as a natural sweetener that is not going to be detrimental to your health in the long run.

You can substitute it in sweet dishes, add it to your coffee or porridge, and overall make the most of it.

What’s more, studies show that it is efficient in lowering blood sugar levels in people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes!

There are a lot of things that may change when you have to switch your diet to a diabetic one, but this does not mean that your food will have to be bland. There are lots of spices out there that, whether or not you have a condition, are going to make your meals way more enjoyable and flavorful. If you want to get more into spices, we recommend you check out this article on the matter: Spices 101: Add Flavor to Your Meals Like a Pro With These 10 Tips.

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