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Watch Out! 5 Terrible Foods That Could Cause Cancer!

Let’s take a moment to talk about all the foods that could cause cancer!

Cancer is one of the most feared health issues—and for good reason. It’s a serious condition and remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Since there’s no cure for it, researchers continue to explore its causes, prevention, and treatment methods.

While particular factors, such as environmental influences and genetics, are out of our control, there are a few things we can do to ensure our health and safety. One of them is diet: the more natural and nutritious things you feed your body, the better you’ll feel. You probably heard the expression “You are what you eat,”  so if you want to keep health issues at bay, including this deadly one, it’s best to stay away from certain foods. So, without further ado, here are all the foods that could cause cancer. If you consume them, take this article as your sign to kick them out of your diet:

foods that could cause cancer
Photo by Pixel-Shot from Shutterstock

1. Processed meats

One of the most common foods that could cause cancer is processed meat. We know it might be convenient to eat this in sandwiches, especially on a busy day, but it’s best to stay away from it as much as possible because it’s full of artificial ingredients.

Moreover, processed meat refers to any meat that has been preserved or had its flavor or form altered. Unfortunately, this includes most meat options found on the grocery store’s aisles, such as ham, sausages, bacon, and hotdogs.

According to experts, processed meats are typically preserved using nitrites and nitrates, which can increase the risk of stomach and colorectal cancers. We know it might be hard to say kick these foods out of your diet cold turkey, so reduce the quantity you consume gradually.

…Takeaway: Processed meats might be easy to consume and taste good, but they’re part of the foods that could cause cancer, so it’s best to tell them goodbye!

2. Fried foods

Did you know that fried meals are among the foods that could cause cancer? Even though they’re delicious, French fries, potato chips, and fried chicken are packed with trans fats. Moreover, they’re cooked at very high temperatures, which can produce acrylamide, a chemical that forms when starchy foods are cooked at extreme heat.

According to researchers, acrylamide is carcinogenic in animal studies, and even though we don’t have a clear opinion of why it can be so dangerous for humans, it’s best to limit your daily intake.

If you still want to indulge in your favorite thing without worrying that you consume foods that could cause cancer, you can cook them in the air fryer. Your meat and potatoes will still be crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, but a lot healthier and without oil. If you’re looking for the perfect air fryer, I couldn’t recommend this one enough!

…The next one is all about that steak! Keep reading, because you might be surprised!

foods that could cause cancer
Photo by YARUNIV Studio from Shutterstock

3. Red meats

How often do you eat red meat? You might want to decrease the frequency because it’s one of the foods that could cause cancer, as experts say! Unfortunately, venison, beef, lamb, and pork might taste delicious and be versatile, but researchers linked them to colorectal cancer.

You don’t have to say goodbye for good to your favorite burgers, but rather eat them in smaller portions and less frequently. If you want to get the same taste and similar nutritional values, but without all the things that could lead to this deadly health issue, you could stick to plant-based burgers. Not all the time, though, but just enough to feel like you satisfy your cravings.

Speaking of plant-based foods, doctors recommend filling your meals with beans, veggies, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. To get all the benefits your body needs, 2/3 of the things you eat in a day should be the foods mentioned above, while the rest should be completed with dairy products and animal protein.

But how much red meat is too much?

Since you probably don’t want to indulge in too many foods that could cause cancer, it’s best to know how much of them you could have to be in the right parameters. For example, dietitians recommend eating no more than 18 ounces of red meat per week, which is around two softballs.

Another important factor to consider when consuming foods that could increase cancer risk is the temperature at which you cook them. For instance, the higher the temperature is, the more dangerous they can be. This is why foods cooked at a lower temperature through techniques like baking or sous vide contain fewer potential carcinogens than chargrilled meats like steaks and burgers do.

If you want to eat red meat and enjoy your meal to the fullest, nutritionists recommend choosing an option that contains less marbling. You can also trim the fat and marinate the meat before cooking.

…You might enjoy this snack to the fullest, especially on a cozy night, but here’s what it can do to your body!

foods that could cause cancer
Photo by Pixel-Shot from Shutterstock

4. Microwave popcorn

While popcorn is one of the healthiest and most delicious snacks you could consume, the microwave versions aren’t good for your body. While a bag of microwave popcorn might seem like a harmless snack for a movie night, don’t forget that it’s packed with artificial flavors that contain unhealthy substances associated with cancer.

These weird ingredients, known as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), are also linked with other health conditions, like infertility and impaired thyroid function. If you want to indulge in a healthy snack that won’t put you at harm, it’s best to opt for an air-popped popcorn. This one also contains fewer calories, so if you want to make this snack, here’s the gadget you need.

…Do you usually have a sugary drink with your meal? Keep reading to discover what it can do to you!

5. Sugary drinks

Even though this isn’t exactly part of the foods that could cause cancer, sugary drinks are part of many people’s diets, so we had to include them on our list. Unfortunately, soda, energy drinks, and sweetened juices not only lead to unnecessary pounds around your waistline but can trigger multiple health issues, such as obesity, cancer, and also cavities.

Since today’s topic is all about the deadliest health problem humanity has to deal with, you should know that too much sugar is a potential risk factor for different types of cancer, including pancreatic, colorectal, and breast cancer.

And if that has you thinking, wait until you hear this: sugary beverages can lead to insulin spikes, which in turn might promote tumor growth.

If you love sugary treats, you can replace your sodas with unsweetened tea, such as chamomile and mint, homemade fruit juice, and also sparkling water infused with fruits. Your body, waistline, and your health will thank you!

Do you know any other foods that could cause cancer? Share them with us, because our health is the most important thing we have! If you find this article helpful and would like to check out something else from Nutrition in USA, here’s a good post for you: Disgusting but Healthy: Don’t Be a Wimp—Give These Nutritional Powerhouses a Try!

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