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10 Foods That Will Improve Your Focus

10 Foods That Will Improve Your Focus

If you’re having trouble focusing at work, then you’ve come to the right place. Recent events, worries about friends and family, or simply the continuous avalanche of online information can sometimes mess up our attention.

If you feel like your power is slowly but surely draining away, I get you. Sometimes, it’s important to have a few tricks up your sleeve, that you can use when you don’t know what else to do. If you really NEED to be focused these days, try eating certain foods that are guaranteed to improve your focus.

What if you’d find out that in order to focus, you have to be well-nourished and hydrated? Because eating the right things is probably one of the safest ways to reduce fatigue, manage stress, and even boost overall brain health. So let’s see which foods you need to integrate into your diet to make things better!

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Blueberries are also known as nature’s superfood, as they have many health benefits. They’re extremely rich in antioxidants, which are known to protect your body from free radicals. Blueberries are also good if you want to respect proper nutrition because they’re low in calories.

That’s why this fruit is a favorite among many. Many studies showed how eating blueberries can easily slow the rates of cognitive decline, and successfully fight Alzheimer’s Disease in adults, too. Blueberries go very well with strawberries, greek yogurt, or simply as an ingredient in your morning smoothie.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, cod, and pollock too, are probably mentioned in every single article we’ve done. That’s because it’s SO HEALTHY. Fatty fish have omega-3 fatty acids and DHA, which are probably the best at improving concentration and memory.

Nutritionists would strongly recommend you eat a minimum of two servings of fatty fish a week. Focus on fish that has a low quantity of mercury! For example, all the fish mentioned above is known to be very low in mercury.

Green tea

Green tea has caffeine and L-theanine, which help improve alertness and overall focus. If you want to speed up the relaxation process, L-theanine is good for that, but it’s also good at keeping you vigilant when you need the most.

I guess now it makes sense why so many people rely on this magical drink when they want to improve concentration, right? Green tea will also increase the production in your brain’s cortex when you want to have more mental clarity for longer periods of time. You can drink as much as 5 cups a day if you want to get the most optimal benefits.


According to the National Coffee Association, 7 in 10 Americans drink coffee on a weekly basis, and 62% drink coffee every day.

There’s a good reason why coffee is extremely popular among adults. It seems that drinking coffee in the morning improves alertness and concentration. In fact, researchers at Johns Hopkins University discovered that caffeine consumption increases memory and retention too.


Eggs are rich in choline, which is basically a nutrient that reduces inflammation, but also cognitive decline.

Plus, eating eggs is known to give you the needed boost of tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin. Serotonin is probably one of the best hormones, as it’s responsible for improving your mood and normalizing your sleep schedule.


Nuts have very high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for the brain’s cognitive functions. They also contain copper, manganese, zinc, but also selenium. All these nutrients are extremely important for a healthy neurological function.

Eating nuts has been constantly linked with improving moods in many studies!

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Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, a nutrient needed by your metabolism and immune system. If you ever get hungry in the afternoon and you need a pick-me-up snack, try eating pumpkin seeds. They’re great for your memory and thinking skills!

You can eat raw pumpkin seeds, however, many people would prefer to eat them roasted. If you want to roast them, simply coat the seeds with some olive oil, salt, and other spices you like. Or, as an alternative, you can add pumpkin seeds to a salad, smoothie, oatmeal, or even homemade granola.

Leafy green vegetables

Leafy greens, such as lettuce, kale, collards, broccoli, and spinach, are great if you want to have more energy. I know the common belief is that leafy greens aren’t the tastiest foods on the menu, but there are many delicious recipes to try.

For example, a salad with leafy greens and grilled chicken, pumpkin seeds, and avocado is a delicious lunch alternative. This meal can easily keep you focused for the rest of the day. Many studies discovered that these plant-based foods are strictly connected to reduced cognitive decline, as they’re very rich in vitamin K, lutein, phylloquinone, and even nitrate.

Their properties as similar to berries, as they help fight dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


Tomatoes have a specific antioxidant known as Lycopene, which helps prevent free radical damage. Packed with vitamin A and vitamin C, tomatoes are very versatile, as you can either put them in a salad or with your favorite pasta.

The only thing you need to remember is that it’s highly recommended to leave the skin on tomatoes when you eat them, as the skin has all the primary nutrients you need.

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Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is known to improve focus, thanks to the level of caffeine. As far as you’re concerned, caffeine is a great ingredient. Dark chocolate is good for concentration and memory, as long as you consume it in moderation.

Too much of anything can harm you, and this goes even more when it comes to chocolate. Besides these food choices, you can also opt for foods that have high antioxidant levels, healthy fats, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, but also folic acids. These vitamins and nutrients will help your brain focus and improve memory.

Additional tips for a better concentration

While we’re all aware that exercising can definitely help us lose weight and tone our muscles, few people know that it also improves focus and concentration. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain. So when you exercise, your body gets rid of all the toxins and delivers the appropriate amount of oxygen throughout your system.

In fact, many studies concluded that exercising before a long day at work can help you be more productive, as it releases stress hormones like cortisol. Exercise is also beneficial for the release of endorphins, which are responsible for making you happier and more relaxed.


A good night’s sleep can take you very far, especially when it comes to focus and concentration. Research shows that sleep has a significant impact on how the brain retains information. In the short term, getting enough sleep will help you stay focused.

Healthy sleeping habits that are kept for a longer period of time can result in better memory. The National Sleep Foundation recommends getting between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

Take breaks throughout the day

Taking constant breaks will decrease the risk of burnout and stress on your body. Whether you sit straight-up or down at work, it’s important to make sure you take multiple breaks throughout the day, in order to become more productive.

If you’re simply swamped with work, try to follow the 50/10 rule during a busy workday. Work in 50-minute sprints then take a 10-minute break to stretch, drink some water, take a walk, or simply move around. Repeat this work-and-break cycle for a couple of hours to improve your concentration.

If you enjoyed reading this article, we also recommend reading: Top 7 Walnut Benefits You Should Know About

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