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5 Best Drinks for Diabetes, According to Certified Educators

Boost your health and energy with these antioxidant-rich drinks! Incorporate them into your daily routine to enjoy delicious flavors while supporting your well-being.

Today, 1 in 8 Americans has diabetes, and another 4 out of 10 adults have prediabetes. Is it unusual to think about what to drink when it comes to nutrition under diabetes? The easy choice would be to opt for water, but it doesn’t need to be the only one. There is minimal research about the impact of antioxidant beverages on diabetes, but there are more studies on how antioxidants and their beneficial compounds have a positive impact on the health of someone with diabetes.

Our dietitians have some ideas for antioxidant drinks, so take a sip if you have diabetes.

The best antioxidants are phytonutrients that have health-promoting properties based on their interactions with free radicals. The free radicals are damaging the body by causing oxidation and contributing to chronic disease. What antioxidants are doing is trapping free radicals and pushing them out of the body, reducing oxidative stress.

With oxidative stress reduced, there is already a lower risk of disease and improved insulin resistance. Moreover, the lower level of inflammation will help reduce cardiovascular disease risk, which people with diabetes have a higher risk of developing.

The thousands of antioxidants in nature showed their positive effects on human health. Enjoy the seasonal fruits and vegetables, add beans to your salad, and get all the nutrients you can find!

Polyphenols are natural compounds from plants that have the role of protecting them. They are a large category of antioxidants. When it comes to diabetes management, carotenoids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, stilbenes, or lignans can play an amazing role in your nutrition habits.

Flavonoids are the ones associated with improved insulin sensitivity, reducing inflammation related to type 2 diabetes. Polyphenols, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, manganese, selenium, and other micronutrients with antioxidant properties can help in managing diabetes.

Now that we understand how these work, let’s dive into some drinks that are antioxidant-rich and consider adding them to your diet.

antioxidant drinks
Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock

1. Pomegranate Juice:

Discovered to be a treasure trove of polyphenols, this is an amazing fruit for our health. This juice is one of the best recommendations from our specialists, and they praise the benefits of pomegranate juice no matter if you have diabetes or not. This juice is known to improve insulin sensitivity, and it makes it easy to regulate blood sugar levels.

Include pomegranate in your diet when it comes to diabetes management. These fruits contain a variety of polyphenols, like flavonoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic compounds, which play a role in reducing inflammation and controlling insulin and glucose responses. This is how it assists in the end with better diabetes management.

The good portion to stick to, if you want to avoid spiking your blood sugar, is an ounce serving of 100% pomegranate juice that contains around 15 grams of naturally occurring sugar.

2. Decaffeinated Green Tea

If you are a tea lover, we have amazing news for you! Decaffeinated green tea is just great for your diabetes diet, containing a generous amount of polyphenols, the antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress.

Based on recent research, the compounds called theanine and catechins will exhibit antioxidant effects, helping with inflammation, improving glucose tolerance, enhancing insulin function, and even more, protecting brain health. Our specialists are recommending the decaffeinated option because caffeine can easily raise blood sugar levels in some cases.

antioxidant drinks
Photo by Veronika Idiyat from Shutterstock

3. Prune juice

Not only are prunes good for your digestion, but they also contain inflammation-quenching antioxidants such as polyphenols. Prune juice is mainly a natural source of dietary fiber. This will support appetite regulation, blood sugar balance, and gut health. Our specialists reminded us about some studies on compounds found in prunes that help to improve insulin sensitivity.

From a 4-ounce serving of 100% prune juice, you will get 2 grams of fiber, along with 20 grams of carbohydrates and 5 vitamins and minerals, like potassium. Research showed that prunes help with lower blood pressure and protection against heart disease. So, it’s incredibly important for people with diabetes who have a high risk of developing heart disease. Since prunes contain a lot of carbohydrates, remember to pair them with a source of protein and healthy fats for a balanced and complete diet.

4. Smoothies

Another great source of antioxidant intake is smoothies, a great vehicle to pack a variety of antioxidants in one place. You can add leafy vegetables, seeds, berries, or oats. A great smoothie to start with is the mango and spinach smoothie.

However, pay attention to the sugar level in a smoothie! It’s important to get protein and fat into the mix, which will help mitigate the rise in blood sugar. You can add in your blender frozen berries or greens for antioxidants and fiber, a scoop of protein powder, Greek yogurt, or a pinch of peanut butter.

We recommend you this Hamilton Beach Wave Crusher Blender For Shakes and Smoothies With 40 Oz Glass Jar. It’s easy to use, easy to clean, it doesn’t take up too much space in your kitchen, and you can find it on Amazon at a great deal.

antioxidant drinks
Photo by il21 from Shutterstock

5. Red Wine

A glass of wine will fit just fine in your diabetes diet. What you probably didn’t know about wine is that it’s a source of resveratrol, a polyphenol in grape skin, berries, and peanuts. Resveratrol is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its ability to protect beta cells and produce and release insulin.

Keep in mind that even if moderate consumption could help lower blood pressure or cholesterol, drinking wine is known for not having a benefit on glucose.

How can you incorporate antioxidant drinks into a diabetes-friendly diet?

You can enjoy an antioxidant drink as long as you manage your blood sugar. You shouldn’t see drinks as your main source of antioxidants. Some foods contain polyphenols, and you should make sure they are present in your diet. Making this choice for your diet is known to have benefits such as decreased plasma glucose and insulin resistance while boosting the triglycerides to be stronger.

An example is that 4 ounces of 100% pomegranate juice diluted with the same amount of water can contain around 15 grams of sugar. If you choose this as a part of your meal, you can add it to a chicken salad. Choose an olive oil dressing for it, and this will provide you with both fat and protein that will slow the blood sugar response. Other meals you can try are cottage cheese toast, avocado toast with eggs, salmon with rice, black bean breakfast bowls, etc. These are great options to pair with any antioxidant-rich drink.

Whether you have been diagnosed with diabetes or not, it is a good idea to include antioxidants in your eating plan. Indeed, there are more studies needed to see the direct effect of antioxidant drinks on diabetes management, but still, experts are advising you to include some antioxidant-packed drinks in a balanced diet, so you can choose from creative smoothies, pomegranate or prune juice, decaffeinated green tea, or even red wine.

Don’t forget that if you’re diagnosed it is important to work one-on-one with a diabetes specialist to have your individual needs monitored and find the best diet for the way your own body responds to different foods.

If you like our article, you can read it next: Diabetes Proof: 6 Spices That Help Your Condition.

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