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10 Ways to Lose Your Belly, from “Zero Belly Diet”

Make that Belly Shrink This Year!

Belly fat can ultimately feel like your body’s biggest frenemy. After all, it sticks around uninvited, messes with your confidence, and simply refuses to budge no matter how many crunches you have planned. But here’s the catch: belly fat isn’t just the annoying sidekick to your favorite pair of jeans.

No, it’s also a red flag from your body, telling you that it’s time to change something in your lifestyle. This particular type of fat, also known as visceral fat, is quite an active force in your body, influencing your metabolism, energy levels, and overall health.

Unlike other types of fat you can pinch under your skin, visceral fat sits way deeper, surrounding your organs and releasing compounds that can easily disrupt your body’s natural processes. However, here’s the good side: you have the ability to fight back, and it starts with the proper food choices.

As you may know, shrinking belly fat needs more than just calorie restriction and endless cardio sessions. One of the most efficient ways to target visceral fat through foods that fight inflammation, improve digestion, and “turn off” your fat genes has a lot to do with adding more healthy snacks to your diet. And that’s why we are here today!

sleep, thyroid health, high-protein snack belly
Photo by Timolina from

Hard-boiled eggs

Eggs are no less than a powerhouse of nutrients, as well as a key component of the Zero Belly Diet. Extremely rich in protein, eggs offer those building blocks your body requires to repair muscle and burn fat. However, they don’t stop there. In fact, eggs contain essential amino acids that trigger your brain’s natural satiety hormones, making you feel full for a longer period of time.

Besides, they’re quite easy to prepare and they’re also portable, making them the ideal grab-and-go snack for anyone serious about shrinking their belly fat. Our tip is to ask yourself, “Where’s my protein?” every time you decide on a meal or snack. With eggs, the answer is already there.

Greek yogurt with berries

Gut health is a critical piece when it comes to shrinking belly fat, and Greek yogurt is definitely one of the best snacks to support your digestive system. Packed with a ton of probiotics, this creamy treat helps balance the bacteria in your gut, reducing the inflammation that adds to visceral fat. You can add a handful of red fruits, such as raspberries and strawberries, for a burst of antioxidants that combat free radicals and give your metabolism the much-needed boost.

Apple slices with almond butter

This quite simple pairing of fiber and healthy fats does wonders for targeting belly fat. Apples are very rich in pectin, a specific type of soluble fiber that slows digestion, leaving you feeling more than full for a longer period of time. Almond butter, on the other hand, provides a much-needed dose of monounsaturated fats, which is the same kind of fat you can find in olive oil. It has been linked before to reduced belly fat in many studies.

Together, this snack satisfies all cravings and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Our tip is more of a piece of information this time around: when your blood sugar stays steady, your body’s fat-storing hormones take a back seat, which makes it much easier to burn belly fat naturally.

Hummus with veggie sticks

Hummus is made from chickpeas, and it’s a beloved plant-based protein and fiber powerhouse. Not only does it help keep you full, but it also provides a dose of anti-inflammatory nutrients such as olive oil and tahini. If you pair it with crunchy, brightly colored vegetables such as carrots, celery, or even bell peppers, you will add that well-deserved dose of antioxidants and hydration, both of which are important in reducing bloating and improving digestion.

Whether you know this or not, fiber is the unsung hero of belly fat reduction. Also, hummus is by far one of the tastiest ways to sneak it into your daily diet. Besides, its combination of plant protein with healthy fats makes it the biggest enemy of visceral fat.

Chia pudding

Chia seeds might be tinier, but they also pack a big punch when it comes to nutrition. These seeds are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to fight inflammation, but also as a soluble fiber, which keeps your digestive system humming.

When you soak them in almond milk or coconut milk, chia seeds expand and form this satisfying pudding-like texture. Do you want to know a tip? Add a dash of cinnamon and a drizzle of honey for extra flavor. Chia seeds can help your body burn fat while also promoting satiety. This is exactly the kind of snack that will keep your hunger at bay and your belly shrinking.

dementia-fighting breakfast food belly
Photo by Liliya Kandrashevich from

Avocado slices with sea salt

Avocados are by far one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can find. Loaded with plenty of monounsaturated fats, they are also proven to reduce belly fat while keeping you satisfied. You can also sprinkle some slices with a pinch of sea salt or chili powder for a snack that’s just as tasty as it is effective.

The whole idea of battling belly fat is choosing the foods that will satisfy you without spiking your blood sugar. Well, avocado does just that. Its extremely rich, creamy texture feels indulgent, while also delivering real health benefits.

Mixed nuts (unsalted)

A handful of nuts can be quite a game-changer for shrinking belly fat. Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios provide all these healthy fats, fiber, and protein, all in one package. These nutrients work very well together to keep the hunger in check, while also giving your body the tools it needs to fight inflammation.

You can choose the foods that maximize your nutrient intake while satisfying your hunger. Nuts do just that, making them by far one of the smartest snacks you can keep on hand.

Cottage cheese with pineapple

Cottage cheese is a wonderful source of lean protein, which is fairly essential for muscle building and fat burning. You can pair it with pineapple, which contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion and reduces bloating. This combination is known to be quite refreshing.

What else is there to say? It’s one of the most protein-packed snacks that will help you get a flatter stomach. On top of everything, it’s worth mentioning that cottage cheese isn’t just a low-calorie snack. No, it’s also a strategic weapon in the fight against belly fat. When it’s paired with pineapple, it’s quite hard to beat.


These tiny green pods are also a tasty low-calorie, high-protein snack. Edamame is a wonderful choice for anyone who is looking to shrink belly fat without overloading with calories. Just lightly sprinkle some sea salt or drizzle some soy sauce for more flavor on top of it, and there you go. Plant-based proteins such as edamame are definitely a staple of the Zero Belly Diet since they are widely effective at keeping you full for a prolonged period of time.

Dark chocolate (70% or higher)

You can enjoy eating chocolate while also shrinking your belly fat. Dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher is full of antioxidants that combat inflammation and stress. These two factors contribute to visceral fat. You can easily enjoy a square or two since it’s such an indulgent but effective snack. The right kind of indulgence can, in fact, support your weight-loss goals.

If you found this article insightful, we also recommend checking: As a Dietitian, I NEVER Eat These 5 Unhealthy Holiday Foods

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