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10 Surprising Foods That Spike Your Blood Sugar Like Crazy

STOP Consuming These Foods If You Don’t Want To Experience a Glucose Spike!

When it comes to metabolic health, we do our best to make healthy choices, but that doesn’t mean that these “healthy” alternatives cannot negatively impact our health by triggering blood sugar and glucose spikes.

We did some research and identified 10 foods that may be considered healthy but, if consumed incorrectly, can cause blood sugar spikes. Did you know about these?

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Image by Silver Place from Shutterstock

10 Foods That Are NOT As Healthy As You Think:

1. Avocado Toast

Have you ever thought that avocado toast could put you in danger? Here is why. Avocado provides fats and fibers that are really good for our bodies, but most people consume it with white bread, which basically cancels out all its benefits. White and whole-grain breads have a glycemic index, meaning that they can cause significant increases in blood sugar. So, if you want to make a healthy choice, eat avocados with high-fiber crackers or opt for low-calorie bread.

2. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain more soluble and insoluble fibers, which is why they are considered a healthy choice. Sweet potatoes are also rich in antioxidants. These protect against free radicals that can damage cells and cause oxidative stress. If not kept under control, this stress can cause some serious health issues, such as diabetes, cancer, or cardiovascular disease.

3. Energy Bars

We know that sometimes you’re too lazy to cook and opt for an energy bar, thinking that you’ve made a healthy choice. Well, these energy bars contain a lot of sugar, which isn’t great for our bodies at all.

If you still want to consume energy bars, make sure you opt for healthier alternatives. Two of the brands that sell energy bars with no added sugar and more fiber and protein are Epic Provisions and Bulletproof.

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Image by Eirene Fagus from Shutterstock

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is known for weight loss and reducing heart disease risk. But did you know that it can also cause sugar spikes? The oats have been processed and stripped of the fiber-rich outer layer, making them break down faster in our bodies, leading to a rise in blood sugar.

Toppings are maybe the most dangerous when it comes to oatmeal. The sweeteners used are usually maple syrup and brown sugar syrup, which can significantly increase your glucose. Dietitians recommend adding nut butter or other fiber, protein, and fats.

A great option that can successfully replace oatmeal is chia pudding. It’s much healthier and tastier. Nutritionist Kelly LeVeque recommends a pudding made with chia and hemp seeds. These ingredients contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. She recommends consuming the pudding warm for a better effect.

5. Non-Dairy Milk

Are you lactose intolerant or vegan? If yes, you may already know that non-dairy milk is a great choice if you don’t like cow milk or cannot consume it. Even though non-dairy milk is considered much healthier, you still have to carefully check the labels.

One cup of oat milk has around 16 grams of carbs and 3 grams of protein. Another milk low in protein is rice milk. It contains about 22 grams of carbs and less than a gram of protein. So, the best alternative when it comes to healthier choices is, by far, almond milk. A cup of almond milk, without added sugar, contains 1 gram of protein and 1 gram of carbs.

The most important thing is to always watch for added sugar, no matter the milk you choose or the brand you opt for. Dietitians recommend unsweetened coconut and almond milk, but they still warn you about the importance of checking the labels. A great example is the gum added by some brands that can cause serious stomach discomfort and problems, so make sure you choose organic brands that use only nuts, seeds, and water.

6. Soup

AVOID condensed soup! It contains loads of added sugar that can rapidly cause a spike. Even though they don’t contain noodles or rice, most condensed soups are usually made with flour. (It’s a popular trick that is used to thicken soups.)

If you want to follow a healthy diet, you should always make your own soup and use a lot of vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. The ones found in restaurants or supermarkets are far from being healthy. It’s just the marketing strategy a lot of brands use to promote their products.

7. Grapes

Grapes are high in sugar and low in fiber. They have a high glycemic index, which measures how quickly a food raises blood glucose levels. Foods with a high glycemic index are rapidly digested and absorbed, causing rises in blood sugar.

Grapes are easy to overconsume due to their small size and sweet taste, which can lead to a significant sugar intake.

8. Veggie Burgers

Veggie burgers are considered a healthier alternative to the meat-based burgers most of us love.

Even though they are considered a healthy choice, they should be consumed rarely, to avoid sugar spikes. It depends on how they are processed, and we advise you not to believe their advertising campaigns. They have a great image and are trying hard to maintain it by claiming how great veggie burgers are, highlighting the fact that they are a healthy alternative to the famous meat burgers. Don’t get fooled!

9. Brown Rice

Brown rice is rich in fiber, and it’s often used as a healthier alternative to white rice. However, it can still cause significant blood sugar spikes if consumed in large quantities.

It has a moderate glycemic index, so it raises blood sugar levels very slowly compared to white rice, but it’s still dangerous and not as healthy as we may think.

For individuals with diabetes, it’s essential to manage the portion served. Also, pairing brown rice with protein and fats can moderate its impact on blood sugar levels.

10. Orange Juice

Orange juice is a powerful antioxidant and a great source of vitamin C. It plays a huge role in immune function and wound healing.

One of the most popular brands in the United States is, by far, Tropicana Pure Premium, which is believed to have 100% of your daily needs. However, it is important not to forget that a glass of Tropicana has 22 grams of sugar, and more than half of it is fructose.

Fructose is found in fruits and vegetables but can significantly increase blood sugar because, in this case, orange juice doesn’t contain any protein or fibers. As you already know, fibers are very important in regulating blood sugar.

On top of that, when we drink something like juice, we tend to do it really fast, especially in the summer, which isn’t healthy at all. Consuming fructose quickly can affect your liver, leading to inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction.

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Image by Jag_cz from Shutterstock

Do you want to check your blood sugar at home? It’s easier than you think

If you want to prevent serious illnesses like diabetes, you can purchase a glucose monitor that is really easy to use. You can also use it while traveling since it’s perfectly sized to fit in a pocket. It can be found on Amazon, and we recommend you read its reviews if you are not fully sure whether you want to purchase it or not.

Did you know that not everything should be kept in the refrigerator? You should also check out this article: 20 Foods You Should NEVER Refrigerate (Although You Do). It can be found on our website, Nutrition in USA.

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