10 Foods That Will Improve Your Focus
10 Foods That Will Improve Your Focus If you're having trouble focusing at work, then you've come to the right place. Recent events, worries about friends and family, or simply
8 Simple Tips to Reduce Sugar
Too much sugar may have some negative effects on your health. Added sugar, which is responsible for the sweet taste of sodas, cookies, and other processed foods, has been linked
Feeling Bloated? Eat These Delicious 8 Foods To Get Rid of It
What do you usually do when you're feeling bloated? Nobody likes to feel bloated. It's uncomfortable, painful, annoying, and it can ruin your whole day, especially if you have some
These 7 Healthy Foods Can Prevent Dementia, Experts Say
7 Foods That Combat Dementia Symptoms: What are the exact benefits of an Alzheimer's diet? It seems that it all stands in the fact that it takes control of your
Spices 101: Add Flavor to Your Meals Like a Pro With These 10 Tips
What type of spices do you love adding to your meals? Food is one of the best things in the world. It nourishes your body with all the right nutrients
6 Delicious Anti-Aging Foods to Support Your 40s-and-Beyond Body
How Has The Aging Process Affected YOU? Many people consider their "prime" to be their 20s and 30s, when their skin is taut, their metabolism is efficient, their structure slender,
Leftovers: 8 Food items You Should NEVER Reheat
You probably thought these leftovers were safe, but actually... A lot of us are probably used to eating leftovers
9 Simple Ways to Prevent Acid Reflux and Heartburn
Most of us have experienced the burning, painful sensation in the center of the chest that is associated with heartburn. In fact, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a common condition that
7 Awesome Nutrition Hacks, According to Dietitians
You may not think twice before discarding the seeds from squash or the peel of an eggplant, but it's time you should. There are lots of nutrients in those leftovers,
Cutting Down on Processed Food? Here Are 7 PRACTICAL Ways to Do It
Are you guilty of regularly eating processed foods? Let's get you back on track! The average diet of most Americans is full of junk, processed foods, and foods that contain