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5 Shocking Things That Happen When You Go Vegan

things that happen when you go vegan
Image By Ground Picture From Shutterstock

You’ll see your skin health improve!

Another one of the things that happen when you go vegan has something to do with the “vegan glow”. You may have heard this expression before, and it may have caused you to be confused. We know this happened to us too when we first heard it, so you are not alone here! However, this refers to the fact that their skin is looking healthier, less dull, and even with fewer wrinkles and spots. Yet, how is that possible?

Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants that help repair the skin and protect it from further cellular damage, and all the nutrients you get from the fruits and veggies you consume are also going to have a beneficial impact on your skin. Just by going vegan a few days a week, you will be able to introduce more nutrients and vitamins to your diet that are intended to help the condition of your skin. Some of the most common ones are vitamins C and E, selenium, beta-carotene, and lutein!

Truthfully speaking, it is probably a combination of all the changes in your body, how well you take care of your skin, and your overall health, but this is still one of the things that happen when you go vegan that most people are happy with!

Your overall health can improve if you add more vegetables and fruits to your diet! To help you add some plant-based recipes to your weekly meal plan, we suggest you read The Complete Plant-Based Cookbook, which is amazing for beginners to vegan recipes.

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