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5 Shocking Things That Happen When You Go Vegan

things that happen when you go vegan
Image By Ground Picture From Shutterstock

Believe it or not, you will sleep better!

If you are looking to improve your overall sleep quality, you will be happy to hear that this is one of the things that happens when you go vegan! A lot of people who have switched to a plant-based diet have found that they are sleeping better at night. It could be a result of the fact that the increased fiber consumption from this type of diet helps regulate energy levels and stops the fluctuation between highs and lows that may be leaving you feeling unrested and unable to sleep well.

A study made back in 2018 found that a high-fat and meat-rich diet can lead to people developing sleep apnea and other sleep problems, so it could also be that a meat-prone diet affects your sleep pattern too.

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