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I Ate Vegetables Every Day for a Month, and Here’s What Happened

I ate vegetables every day, and here’s what happened!

When I was younger, all I wanted to do was have a lean physique and fit in the smallest size available. I didn’t care that much about health and well-being because I was so in my head that I thought it would be impossible for me to get sick.

So, as you can probably guess, I tried every diet under the sun because all I wanted to do was shed pounds. As I grew older, I realized that being extremely restricted didn’t make me happier.

I ate vegetables every day, but only a few cups and that was it. Besides that, I was craving unhealthy things all the time; I didn’t have the energy to be active and move my body; I had a hard time focusing on work; my hair was falling and looking dull; and my sleep was terrible.

After a while, I realized that what I needed to do was be mindful of the things I was putting in my body, move every single day, and be happy. I want to be strong so I can carry my grandkids and run after them (it’s already pretty hard to keep up the pace with them), so I set myself up for a challenge: to eat vegetables every day. Not in the old diet style, but with protein, healthy fats, and healthy carbs.

I ate vegetables every day in smoothies, salads, on the grill, cooked in the air fryer, in the oven—basically in every single combination you could think of. This challenge lasted for a month, and now I want to share all my results with you.

With that being said, I ate vegetables every day for a month, and here’s what happened:

vegetables every day
Photo by My Ocean Production from

1. I ate less unhealthy foods

During my challenge of eating vegetables every day, I realized that I didn’t feel the need to eat as many processed foods as before, and that’s because I got creative in the kitchen.

I love chips, and I could eat a huge family bag in one sitting if you let me, but instead of consuming unhealthy calories that would then make me feel bloated and tired and give me skin problems too, I decided to slice some potatoes, carrots, and kale, add some nutritional yeast, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper, toss them in the oven, and eat delicious homemade chips.

I have to be honest with you and tell you that they had good taste, but they weren’t regular chips. However, once I kept eating, I realized that my cravings were satisfied, and I was extremely happy that my body was still getting the nutrients it needed.

Eating vegetables every day made me more conscious of the other things I was putting on my plate, so whether I was eating a salad or rice, I made sure I had a protein source and some healthy fats in there.

I didn’t count any calories, but my plate was so full of amazing things that eating sweets and other processed foods didn’t taste as good as I remembered them.

If you want to give your veggies or dishes a cheesier taste without consuming dairy, nutritional yeast is your bestie! Check it out here, because it tastes just like parmesan!

vegetables every day
Photo by Roman Samborskyi from

2. My hair is nicer

Eating vegetables every day surely paid off, and I’m all about it. Many studies say that nutrition affects the way your body looks, and that includes your fat percentage and the quality of your skin, teeth, and even hair, which is pretty amazing, in my opinion.

I used to dye my hair blonde for a few years, but when I noticed that it got thinner and thinner, I decided to stop it and let it grow naturally. Two weeks into this challenge, I noticed that my growing hair was shinier and softer than it ever was, and it has a fantastic texture that I’m crazy about.

It might be my imagination going crazy, considering that I haven’t seen my natural hair in such a long time, but I do believe that eating vegetables every day has a major role in that.

I consumed both raw and cooked veggies, but I made sure I got them from the farmers’ market, so they were juicy and full of nutrients, and they were rich in iron, zinc, biotin, vitamin A, vitamin C, and protein, so my hair benefits from all those.

3. I sleep better

If you don’t eat vegetables every day, consider this article as a sign that you should start now, because, trust me, you won’t regret it. It might be TMI, but I bloat easily from too much salt, too many condiments, greasy and sugary foods, and everything processed.

When I started eating vegetables every day, I realized that I was feeling full, but not heavy, and nourished all day long. I felt like I was glowing from the inside out because eating the right things put me in a good mood, and that reflected in my day too.

But what’s great was the fact that the energy I had during the day made me very tired at night, and while it took me more than 30 minutes to fall asleep when I didn’t pay attention to my diet, I noticed that those veggies made me fall asleep way faster—less than 10 minutes.

My sleep is now great; I wake up feeling rested, rejuvenated, and ready for other challenges, and I don’t have those mid-day slumps like I used to. Of course, eating vegetables every day was a huge help, but maybe it was more than that because I set a sleep schedule and made sure I respected it.

Speaking of food, particular produce can affect your overall sleep-wake cycle and the quality of your sleep, so you should pay attention to the things you put in your body. Magnesium, for example, is great for muscle relaxation and a clear mind, as well as for regulation of the neurotransmitters involved in sleep, so if you need it, make sure you eat nuts, whole grains, leafy greens, and legumes.

Make your plate as colorful as possible with high-quality veggies, legumes, and protein, and you’ll notice your energy levels going way up than normal and your sleep being restful and amazing.

vegetables every day
Photo by Roman Samborskyi from

4. My digestion is better

TMI again, but this is important, and if you have trouble going to the bathroom, eating vegetables every day will help you. Eating veggies and other healthy stuff all the time is going to fuel your body with fiber, and that will improve your digestion.

So no more bloating and feeling uncomfortable! However, keep in mind that raw veggies can still make you bloated, although they contain fiber, so pay attention to the way you feel after eating particular veggies and do your research on those that might give you tummy issues.

5. My overall heart health improved

Eating vegetables every day drastically improved my health, and believe me when I tell you this. The first thing I noticed was that I had more energy, and that was something I needed, especially in the afternoon.

Another thing that happened was that the inflammation in my body was reduced, as were the bad cholesterol levels, and according to my doctor, I lowered my chances of having heart disease or cancer.

Well, yeah, these are fantastically good reasons to leave an unhealthy lifestyle behind and start eating vegetables every day. I told you that I want to be healthy and full of energy to run around after my grandkids every day, and nothing is stopping me!

This was my experience of eating vegetables every day for a month, and while this challenge ended two months ago, I still get my veggies in because they make me feel and look better. I didn’t mention this before because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, but I lost a couple of pounds too.

Would you consider eating vegetables every day too? If you need some inspiration, we have plenty of recipes on our website, so check them out! If you liked this article and want to read more about nutrition in the USA, here’s a fantastic post for you: 8 Healthy Fast Food Meals You Can Order Guilt-Free

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