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Drink Warm Salt Water Every Day: 7 Reasons to Do It!

Here are all the reasons why you should drink warm salt water every day!

If you’ve read any of the articles I’ve written on this website, you already know that I like to test different things to improve my health and my overall well-being.

So, after I decided to eat vegetables every day for a month and see how I was feeling (if you don’t know about this story, check it out here), I thought that I wanted another challenge to spice my life up, and that’s why I told myself it was time to drink warm salt water every day.

There are plenty of health reasons why people drink warm salt water every day, but I wanted to test this out first before I could tell you more about it.

So, after a month of drinking this potion every morning, I can say that the hype is real, and besides helping you get rid of sore throats caused by allergies and colds, it can also help you balance electrolyte levels in the body and maintain the right fluid function.

If you want to know more about how my experience was and why I recommend you try it out too, keep reading because I’ll tell you all the juicy things! Without further ado, here are all the reasons why you should drink warm salt water every day:

drink warm salt water
Photo by Alexeysun from

1. Improves digestive health

One of the main reasons people drink warm salt water all the time is for digestive health. Many studies concluded that this drink is fantastic for helping people with their bowel movements.

The combination of warm water and salt can increase the secretion of digestive fluids, which is helpful in the breakdown of food in the stomach and improves the absorption of nutrients. So if you pair this magical drink with a diet that is rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, and vitamins, you’ll be golden.

Drinking this beverage in moderation is also wonderful for keeping your stomach’s pH level regulated, and that’s how you get the best digestion possible.

TMI, I know, but for many people, it is very important to hit the toilet in the morning, so this drink is a huge help for that, especially when drinking coffee is not allowed or not possible first thing in the morning.

2. Good for skin

Another reason why many people, including me, want to drink warm salt water every day is because it helps improve skin conditions. Some even apply salt water directly to their skin, saying that it helps rejuvenate and exfoliate the skin, which can then reduce psoriasis, acne, and eczema symptoms.

However, I think you should talk to a dermatologist about this and not apply all sorts of things directly to your face, but if you want to drink warm salt water in the morning, it might help you achieve your dream of having clear skin. This works thanks to balancing your body’s pH levels, reducing inflammation, and eliminating toxins.

I can’t exactly tell that my skin is 100% clear because I still have a pimple here and there, but what I noticed is that my skin is now more glowy and healthier.

bananas are the best, drink warm salt water
Photo by Rawpixel from Envato Elements

3. Boosts weight loss

I’m not going to lie; when I decided to drink warm salt water every day, I hoped that it would help me shed 1-2 pounds. However, I knew that this beverage wasn’t going to turn me into a Victoria’s Secret supermodel, so don’t expect that, but what I wanted was a natural cleanse.

This drink helped cleanse my digestive system and eliminate lots of waste and toxins. As you can imagine, flushing all those bad things out helped me feel better, look better, and maintain a healthy weight. Long story short, it acted like a natural detox.

4. Electrolyte balance

You already know that drinking water is essential for being hydrated and functioning at your best, but if you sweat a lot, do a lot of workouts, whether outside, in the gym or simply walk a lot, you need to drink even more water.

If you drink warm salt water, you can better hydrate your body and maintain the right electrolyte balance. Your body needs a precise balance of potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium to do its job at maximum power, and a small beverage, as we’ve previously mentioned, can be good. But don’t forget to consume it in moderation, so no more than a drink per day!

5. Detoxification

Speaking of detoxification, let’s continue with all these reasons why I chose to drink warm salt water every day and why I’m planning on continuing to do this.

This homemade beverage can activate your liver and kidneys, which helps your gorgeous body get rid of all those toxins that might’ve been trapped there. Besides that, it can also help flush out toxins through sweat, so it works both ways, but the results are amazing, and you’ll feel better and lighter afterward.

drink warm salt water
Photo by Pixel-Shot from

6. Prevents respiratory problems

I don’t know about you, but when I was little, my mom always told me to drink warm salt water to calm my sore and inflamed throat. Scientists wanted to study this subject more, so they discovered that salt water is so powerful that it can block the responses of proinflammatory cytokines, histamine, and immunoglobulin E (IgE), which can be responsible for an allergic reaction.

If you drink warm salt water when you have a sore throat, it can help you break down mucus, reduce discomfort, and decrease inflammation, which is going to help you feel better. This is a great home remedy for allergies, colds, and other respiratory ailments, thanks to the fact that it promotes respiratory and overall lung function.

7. Stress reduction

I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical about this one because I couldn’t understand how a simple drink of warm salt water could help me become calmer in the long run. But after 30 months of trying this, I can understand why it’s so good for stress reduction.

Saltwater is rich in important minerals, such as magnesium, which is known for having a calming effect on your nervous system, improving your mental health, and helping you feel peaceful.

While it might not work immediately, you should know that if you drink warm salt water every day for a longer period, those amazing effects are going to kick in, and you’ll feel better than ever!

If you want to drink warm salt water too, you should know that table salt is not good because it’s processed and doesn’t contain as many minerals and nutrients as sea salt or Himalayan pink salt, which contains plenty of magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

After 30 days of experimenting with this simple homemade beverage, I have to say that I’m going to continue because it’s easy and it makes me feel good.

If you want to try it too, I recommend you check out this Himalayan Pink Salt from Amazon because it’s wonderful, is filled with all those amazing ingredients you need, and the price is pretty good too! Try to drink warm salt water every day for a month, then come back to this article and let me know if you notice any positive results!

Did you like this article from Nutrition in the USA? If you want to read something that is just as useful, check out this other post: The 7 Perfect Protein Sources, According to Nutritionists

2 thoughts on “Drink Warm Salt Water Every Day: 7 Reasons to Do It!”

    1. TMI means “Too Much Information”. Another abbreviation created to shorten our English Language by our younger generation:) LOL – “Laugh Out Loud” (They just keep coming!) There are a lot of them out there! Maybe they’ll make a collection of the current ones. It would really help us older people know these little substitutes.

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