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These Foods Are ESSENTIAL for Your Brain After 50, Doctors Say

Have you ever heard about the foods that are good for your brain? Yes, there are many of them, and they can help you, especially after you are 50, because they are known to reduce the risk of dementia.

This is how things work: your brain changes as you age, and most of us will experience various types of cognitive impairment after a certain age. You don’t have to be sacred; it is natural, but you can help your brain by caring for what you eat.

Keep in mind that some people will develop other conditions besides normal cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia, but this is not the case for the majority.

Many things impact your cognitive health, and one of the most important things you can do is focus on your diet and try to eat foods that are good for your brain. This is one of the more practical things you can do to impact how your brain ages directly.

So, start eating healthier today and keep reading to find out what the best foods are that you can regularly eat to improve your brain health!

foods that are good for your brain
Photo by Nitr from Shutterstock

1. Oranges

Most of us love oranges and their fresh citrusy smell, but did you know that they are also one of the foods that are good for your brain?

No matter if you choose to eat them as they are or if you prefer a smoothie or a glass of juice, your brain will be grateful for all the nutrients you are feeding it.

Now, we all know that oranges are rich in vitamin C, which helps the brain and its cells. But what makes these fruits one of the foods that are good for your brain is not vitamin C.

Flavonoids are compounds that are found in many fruits and vegetables, and they help the brain be healthy. Several health advantages of flavonoids include their antiviral, anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory qualities. Oranges also contain folate, which may also affect brain function.

2. Blueberries

If you want to start eating foods that are good for your brain, you can’t ignore blueberries. People have always talked about these fruits, and everyone recognizes their incredible benefits.

These little, vibrantly colored fruits are rich in antioxidants. This means they are good at protecting the brain from inflammation and oxidative stress. Over time, if you consume blueberries often, they have the potential to slow down the aging of the brain, and in the end, they can improve your brain’s communication capacity.

Besides antioxidants, blueberries also contain flavonoids, more specifically anthocyanins, and research shows that they can improve motor skills, cognition, and memory.

Furthermore, those who took daily dosages of powdered wild blueberries reported better memory and quicker cognitive reaction times in recent research that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

3. Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids, a kind of polyunsaturated fat found in salmon, have been linked to several health advantages, including improved cognitive and mental function.

Slamon can be found among the foods that are good for your brain because the omega-3s are good for improving your overall cognitive well-being.

Even though there is not yet enough research about this, the little research that exists predicts that consuming more foods that are rich in omega-3 acids might lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

But there is also another thing that makes salmon one of the foods that are good for your brain, and that is vitamin D.

There may be a connection between the onset of dementia and vitamin D insufficiency, and vitamin D can help seniors retain regular cognitive function.

4. Pomegranate

Another one of the foods that are good for your brain is pomegranate. This unusual fruit, also known as the “jewel of the winter,” is one of the fruits that has great potential for boosting the health of the brain.

First of all, it is full of antioxidants. These compounds are amazing and offer a neuroprotective effect. Oxidative stress is a pretty big deal, and it can lead to some disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Another compound that pomegranates have and that slows down the evolution of Alzheimer’s disease is punicalagin. Besides this, they also contain nitrates. These slow down the blood flow to the brain, which leads to more efficient cognitive function.

5. Turmeric

This is for sure one of the foods that are good for your brain, and it has so many other benefits for your overall health. The primary active component of turmeric, curcumin, has been demonstrated in several animal experiments to have potential anti-amyloid properties. That means curcumin can slow down the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

The amyloid plaques are pieces of protein that build up over time, clump together, and, in the end, can lead to neurological disorders. Even more, curcumin also fights oxidative stress and the inflammation that is linked to cognitive decline.

6. Broccoli

The good old broccoli is also one of the foods that are good for your brain, and we advise you to always include it in your diet. This vegetable is king when we talk about eating healthy, and what makes it the perfect food for your brain is the vitamin K it contains.

A 2020 study discovered a beneficial relationship between vitamin K consumption and cognitive performance in senior adults, who ranged in age from 75 to 92.

But if the levels of vitamin K are not enough to convince you of the beneficial properties of this vegetable, maybe the high amount of sulforaphane will do. These compounds are strongly linked to the health of the brain.

Studies have shown that sulforaphane has both anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. This compound can also be found in cauliflower and bok choy. Even more, some research shows sulforaphane can help those who have suffered frontal brain damage. Scientists say that it has a positive impact and improves their cognitive function.

7. Walnuts

Walnuts are included on the list of foods that are good for your brain because they contain many nutrients, and we cannot forget about polyphenols. According to scientific research, consuming walnuts as part of a balanced diet may help preserve and enhance cognitive function as individuals age.

A study published in The Journal of Nutrition claims that the antioxidants found in walnuts can protect against oxidative stress and inflammation, two conditions that are frequently observed in seniors. Additionally, the presence of good fatty acids can help preserve the health of the aging brain.

Also, walnuts help with the health of the heart, and this can assist in maintaining healthy brain function. They might reduce inflammation. cholesterol, blood pressure, and the formation of plaque.

foods that are good for your brain
Photo by Sea Wave from Shutterstock

8. Eggs

Eggs are one of the healthy alternatives if you want to get more protein, but they are more than that. Eggs are one of the few foods that are high in choline, with a content of 169 milligrams in one egg. The daily value for choline is between 400 and 500 milligrams, so eggs are perfect if you want to get this compound from your diet.

But let’s take a moment and see what choline is and what it does for our bodies.

Choline helps with maintaining a good memory and also plays a part in mood regulation. In 2021, research published in the journal Behavioural Neurology discovered that consuming more dietary choline decreased the likelihood that seniors would experience “low cognitive function”.

If you like eggs but sometimes feel too lazy to cook them, you can try using an egg cooker: DASH Rapid Egg Cooker: 6 Egg Capacity Electric Egg Cooker

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