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6 Delicious and Simple Dinner Ideas You Have to Try!

delicious and simple dinner ideas
Photo by VasiliyBudarin from

3. Burgers

Delicious and simple dinner idea number 3: burgers! These are a great choice for families who don’t have a lot of time to cook but still want to enjoy something healthy, tasty, and flavorful.

While beef burgers are a popular choice, you can easily swap the beef meat for any other type of protein source you want, like salmon, lentils, tuna, ground chicken, chickpeas, or beans.

What’s great about these delicious and simple dinner ideas is that you could easily meal prep them and enjoy them throughout the week with a large salad, roasted veggies, or some sweet potato fries. You can also serve your tasty burgers on a hearty whole-grain bun, in a fresh lettuce wrap, or on a bed of delish greens.

TIP: If you make too many burgers, you can pop them in the freezer and take them out when it’s time for lunch or dinner! We have many other delicious and simple dinner ideas, so click on the next page!

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