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6 Best Foods to Prevent a Stroke in Retirement

foods to prevent a stroke
Photo by Jacek Chabraszewski from Shutterstock

6. Fish

Salmon, mackerel, and tuna are all fatty fish. And fatty fish are rich in omega-3 acids, which can reduce the risk of stroke by reducing inflammation and improving blood flow.

On the other hand, cod, snapper, and mahi-mahi are lean fish. They don’t have as many fatty omega-3 acids, but they are rich in nutrients that can also help prevent stroke. For instance, lean fish has fewer calories and more protein, iodine, and selenium than other types of fish, all of which are good for human health.

In 2018, a Dutch study showed that if you eat fatty or lean fish more times per week, you can greatly reduce the risk of ischemic stroke.

Also, another 2018 review that analyzed five studies discovered that lean fish, which also includes scallops, lobster, and shrimp, are also incredible for preventing stroke. Maybe more than fat fish. But the authors of the work concluded that they needed more studies in order to be sure about this.

If you want to learn more about preventing strokes, this book might help you: The High Blood Pressure Solution: A Scientifically Proven Program for Preventing Strokes and Heart Disease

You should also read: 9 Incredible Health Benefits of Eggs You Need to Know About

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