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8 Junk Foods You Can Enjoy Guilt-Free

Junk Food
Photo by oizostudio at Shutterstock

How do we avoid binging on junk food?

Now that we know that not all junk foods are harmful and that avoiding them may not be safe, we must understand how to limit our consumption of junk food.

1. Know what junk is: The first step toward avoiding “bad” junk foods is knowing that all foods contain hidden sugars and fats and are high in calories. Even though we all know that a doughnut is unhealthy, many seemingly healthy foods may also be junk. This includes:

  • Grain-free fried sweets and snacks
  • Fruit juices with added sugar
  • Whole-grain pastries and cakes
  • Gluten-free snacks like ice creams, chocolates, or fries

2. Substitute junk food with healthier options: The best defense against unhealthy eating is preparedness. Keep healthy snacks around if you want to avoid eating unhealthy foods. Some examples of healthy snacking include:

  • Grilled or steamed vegetables
  • Nuts and berries
  • Oatmeal
  • Salads without fatty or sugary dressings
  • Skimmed milk and granola
  • Fruits
  • Whole-grain crackers
  • Boiled eggs
  • Grilled fish, lean meat, or tofu

3. Stay hydrated: Water is essential for controlling your cravings. Drinking about eight glasses of water daily helps you stay hydrated and full. Several studies have suggested that sufficient water and fiber-rich foods like vegetables and fruits help cut down on cravings and overeating.

4. Store your snacks intelligently: You know the saying: Out of sight, out of mind? Well, if you need to keep some junk food in your home, keep it in places where you’re less likely to see them all the time. For instance, store a bag of chips in a cabinet higher up in your kitchen rather than in the middle of your dining table. Moreover, keep healthy snacks like salads, fruits, and nuts handy where you’re more likely to see them.

5. Know your triggers: Unhealthy foods are often preferred for anxiety, stress, or feeling low. Many individuals tend to eat junk food when they’re bored or angry. So, knowing your triggers can help you practice mindful eating and avoid bad cravings.

6. Seek professional help: Don’t feel bad if you can’t stop eating a lot of junk food. You can seek out the help of a professional to rid yourself of all those unhealthy eating choices.

Be sure to let us know about some of YOUR healthier junk food choices in the comments. And if you liked this article, we also recommend: 12 Foods You Can Still Safely Consume Past the Expiration Date

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