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Top 9 Healthiest French Fries at Your Favorite Fast Food Chains

healthiest french fries
Photo by Walter Cicchetti from Shutterstock

4. In-n-Out Burger

The fourth-healthiest french fries on the list are from In-n-Out Burger. Tastier than others (but not tastier than McDonald’s ones, in our opinion), a portion of these fries has no more than 370 calories and around 200 mg of salt. And the good thing about them is that they come in one size; there is no in-between. Therefore, there is no such thing as eating too much or preserving excess calories (except when you let some go to waste).

The only downside of these fries from In-n-Out Burger is that they are a bit fatty compared to others on the list, but they are still among the healthiest french fries in the U.S.

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