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Top 9 Healthiest French Fries at Your Favorite Fast Food Chains

healthiest french fries
Photo by agencies from Shutterstock

8. Burger King French Fries

After seeing so many pictures posted here, we started to get hungry. But we already know what our first go-to option from the list is: Burger King! Crispy, crunchy, tasty, and above everything else, pretty low in calories as well (around 370 calories per one medium portion), 16 grams of fat, and less salt than others 270 mg. So, if you’re on the hunt for less-salty fries that help you keep a balanced diet, check out Burger King’s menu. We’ve heard they updated the menu for the summer!

9. Chick-fil-A

The fries at Chick-fil-A are waffled, cooked in canola oil, and sea salt-seasoned. The fries were almost perfectly salted and not so hot that they would burn your lips. The fact that they were so crispy surprised me the most. They are delicious and wonderfully seasoned, and they are good to go without a dip.

The Chick-fil-A- Medium portion of fries has 420 calories and 24 grams of fat. They are indeed fattier than other choices from the list, but once in a while, you deserve to indulge yourself! However, as with any other fast food, be aware of the fact that most products also have a bit of sugar in them. And for a medium portion of french fries at Chick-fil-A, you will get 11 grams of sugar.

Which ones do you think are the healthiest french fries in America? And most importantly, from where do you prefer to order more often? Tell us in the comments.

Hungry for more fast food tips? No problem, ’cause we’ve got your back! Check out another article about the healthiest fast food options that are as good as the caloric ones.

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