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7 Healthy Foods You Can Eat During Menopause

These are the best and most healthy foods you can eat during menopause, and they are recommended by doctors!

Menopause is a source of fear for all women worldwide, and this is certain. There are several causes for this. While some people are relieved that the agonizing monthly cycles are finally coming to an end, many unintended things might occur when you start a new chapter in your life.

Menopause demands even more self-care because it can cause weight gain, bloating, and bone problems, including osteoporosis. Portion management is the most important factor in maintaining excellent health since women going through menopause don’t require as many calories as they did in their earlier years.

While you’re being careful about how much you’re eating, you must also pay attention to all the foods you can eat during menopause. These seven foods can help you manage some of the symptoms associated with menopause, lower your chance of developing chronic illnesses, and even help you regulate your weight.

foods you can eat during menopause
Photo by Jiri Hera from Shutterstock

Whole grains

One of the first healthy foods you can eat during menopause is whole grain. Numerous health advantages, such as a lower risk of cancer, heart disease, and even premature mortality, have been associated with whole grains. Postmenopausal women who consumed 4.7 grams of whole grain fiber per 2,000 calories had a 17 percent lower chance of dying young. This information comes from the Iowa Health Study.
To enjoy the benefits of whole grains you can make oatmeal, whole grain pasta with your favorite sauce, switch from white bread to whole grain one, and replace white rice with quinoa and brown rice as a side for your lean protein dish.


Spinach is such an underrated vegetable, which is why so many people avoid eating it. Do you remember those Popeye the Sailor Man cartoons? We should definitely follow his example. The thing is that this leafy green is probably one of the best magnesium sources available.

Easy to incorporate in salads mostly, 3.5 oz of spinach covers 93 milligrams of magnesium, and the daily recommendation for a woman over the age of 40 is around 320 milligrams per day. Foods abundant in magnesium are one of those foods that you can eat during menopause to help you maintain healthy blood pressure and nerve function. Additionally, increasing your intake of magnesium may help you sleep better and wake up more energetic.

Fruits and vegetables

Some of the most healthy foods you can eat during menopause are fruits and vegetables. Besides being very tasty, fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest foods we can eat! Jam-packed with a ton of vitamins and antioxidants, fruits must be a part of your daily diet. The more colorful the plate, the healthier!

According to various studies, women who enter menopause and eat fruits and vegetables regularly have lowered blood pressure, have a healthy weight, sleep better, and their digestion improves a lot. For instance, broccoli can help lower estrogen levels linked to breast cancer and raise estrogen levels linked to breast cancer prevention. Snack on entire fruits and veggies as opposed to eating processed foods. Cucumbers, carrots, bananas, and apples are some of the favorites.

Besides being careful about what foods you can eat during menopause, it’s also important to consider a few other details. In Menopause: 50 Things You Need to Know, written by both Felice Gersh and Alexis Perella, you will find everything you must know as a woman about this new life chapter. Be mindful of changes while taking control of your health.


One of the best foods, which is also a lean source of protein and omega-3 healthy fats, that you can eat during menopause is, of course, salmon. According to some studies, consuming more omega-3 fatty acids may improve your mood because they may reduce inflammation in the body.

Increasing your omega-3 fatty acids may help you better handle some of the emotional fluctuations that come with going through menopause. Another excellent source of protein is salmon. The 16.8 g of protein in a 3-ounce (Oz) filet provides one-third of the daily requirement for protein. Salmon also contains vitamin B12, which is important for controlling serotonin and dopamine.


Another batch of foods you can eat during menopause is dairy. The vital vitamins and minerals that women require to prevent bone loss are found in milk, yogurt, and cheese. These vital elements consist of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins D and K. For a delicious afternoon snack, try combining low-fat yogurt with granola, fruit, or cheese and almonds.

foods you can eat during menopause
Photo by Krasula from Shutterstock


When it comes to foods you can eat during menopause, tasty and crunchy almonds are one of them. Rich in fiber and protein, a cup of almonds packs 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, making a total of 313 calories.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that this is an especially good ratio for fiber, advising women to aim for 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories. Fiber is beneficial not just for digestive health but also for maintaining a healthy weight by extending feelings of fullness. You can easily include almonds in your diet by eating them raw, in salads, or oatmeal.

Moreover, almonds are also jam-packed with magnesium and calcium, two crucial nutrients that are good for healthy bones. Almonds provide vitamin E, which, at higher doses, has been demonstrated to provide some relief from mild hot flashes.

Lean sources of protein

Among the foods you can eat during menopause to relieve the symptoms associated with it, meat is one of the most important ones. Lean protein can help you feel full for longer periods. Excellent sources of lean protein include fish, poultry, beans, and lentils. Increasing your protein intake can help reduce the risk of weight gain by making you feel less hungry afterward and less prone to binge eating.

After a certain age, especially during menopause, we need to take care of our muscles more than ever, no matter if we’re following a fitness program or not. Based on many studies and internet calculators, a 55-year-old woman in good health who weighs 150 pounds and is 5’5″ (BMI of 25) needs 54 grams of protein daily.


We hope you’ll find this article informative and helpful! Besides regular medical check-ups, you should also pay attention to the foods you can eat during menopause and be as active as possible. Regardless of age or stage of life, physical activity is beneficial to everybody.

For menopausal women, regular, even little exercise has been associated with numerous health advantages, such as stronger muscles, a better mood, better sleep, stronger bones, and a healthy weight. Additionally, joining a yoga class or going to the gym may be a fantastic way for those who like group activities to meet new people and become more sociable. What are the foods you like the most and are willing to include in your menopause diet? Tell us in the comments section down below.

You don’t know which proteins are good for daily consumption? No worries; we got you covered! Check out this article about the 7 Perfect Protein Sources, According to Nutritionists.

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