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5 Best Fish to Eat, and 4 to Avoid!

Photo by YARUNIV Studio at Shutterstock

Farmed Rainbow Trout

Almost all of the trout you’ll find at your local supermarket is farmed rainbow trout. Trout farming in our country is rigorously regulated, and the chemicals that the producers are allowed to use are very limited.

So because the farms are managed, the fish there are more protected from all those nasty contaminants, and their mercury levels are kept low. What’s so great about it? This delicious and low-cost fish is high in B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

An added bonus is that t has a soft texture and flavor. So you’re kids and grandkids will likely love it. If you’re looking for ideas, Trout pairs very well with lemon and herbs like thyme, dill, or parsley. You can grill or roast it for an effortless meal.

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9 thoughts on “5 Best Fish to Eat, and 4 to Avoid!”

  1. You said nothing about a great eating fish, the Catfish!!
    It is a lot more delicious with out a smell like some that you mentioned!!

  2. All Atlantic salmon are farm raised.
    Shrimp and catfish from the orient are raised in filthy farm Ponds where they are usually feed pig and human feces.
    Mackerel are great smoked, as are also catfish or any other oily fish. Usually fish are soaked in a salty brine before smoking. But you can also immediately smoke fish on your bar b que grill without using a brine.
    The best canned sardines I’ve ever found are by far King Oscars. I’ve never found a canned sardine that can compare
    My biggest let down in canned fish is Starkist tuna.
    Ever since they stopped canning tuns in American Samoa and moved to Thailand there canned tuna is like cat food. It looks like the scrap meat that is left over after the chunks have been used elsewhere.
    Pelosi owns a lot of stock in Starkist, and I would not be surprised if she had something to do with the move!

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