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A Guide to Healthy Eating Through the Decades As we age, our bodies go through all sorts of changes. From hormone shifts to bones[..]
Embrace Food Cravings as a Path to Self-Discovery and Freedom It’s human to have food cravings, for sweet, salty, or that warm dish that[..]
Are foods banned in other countries but not in America? Are we in any danger?  Have you ever wondered why our country is so[..]
Is your favorite fast food chain on our list? Fast food chains that are well known to be a bit more expensive are known[..]
Isn’t This Food Just…STINKY? Our sense of smell is by far the oldest of the five senses. It is meant to be fine-tuned for[..]
Did you know that some foods you eat daily give you brain fog? A few years ago, I wasn’t exactly putting my health first.[..]

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