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7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day

effects of eating chocolate every day
Photo by baibaz from Shutterstock

4. It may reduce fruit consumption

Chocolate is great and all, but because it contains sugar, one of the effects of eating chocolate every day might be the reduction of other sugary things from your diet. At first, this doesn’t sound bad at all, right? You might think that eating chocolate will make you eat less sugar. But is this what it means?

Not at all. If you eat this sweet treat every day, you will create an imbalance in your sugar cravings. You might want to eat even more chocolate, or you might not feel like eating sugar at all. This means you will reduce your chance of getting your sugar from natural sweetness, like fruits.

You can’t compare fruits with chocolate when talking about a healthy snack option. Fruits should always be the first choice. Never satisfy your sweet tooth with unhealthy choices. Take advantage of the natural sugars.

1 thought on “7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day”

  1. B Andruskiewicz

    You didn’t mention the heavy metals that are in most dark chocolates. …such as cadmium and lead.

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