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7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day

effects of eating chocolate every day
Photo by Perfect Wave from Shutterstock

6. It might trigger stomach problems

Do you see any changes in your gastrointestinal behavior when you eat chocolate? If your answer is yes, this might be due to the milk or the added sugars.

Both of them can cause various gastroenterological troubles, such as bloating, stomach pain, gas, or diarrhea. This is especially true if you know that you are lactose intolerant or have IBS or sugar sensitivities.

Even more, if you are sensitive to caffeine, you should know that this compound can also trigger loose stools. Chocolate and dark chocolate contain some caffeine, so you should be careful. All of this happens because caffeine boosts stomach acid production and GI tract spasms. Of all the effects of eating chocolate every day, this is actually one of the most common.

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1 thought on “7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day”

  1. B Andruskiewicz

    You didn’t mention the heavy metals that are in most dark chocolates. …such as cadmium and lead.

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