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7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day

effects of eating chocolate every day
Photo by Fida Olga from Shutterstock

5. You can get magnesium

On the bright side, you should know that besides all of the sugar, chocolate also contains magnesium. Yep, this mineral that all of us take supplements in order to get can be found in this treat.

Magnesium is essential for the health of our brains. It supports mood and cognition, and it also has a role in keeping the blood vessels of the brain in good shape.

So, one of the effects of eating chocolate every day is that you can get some magnesium. But keep in mind that you should try to consume the darkest chocolate possible. We say this because the darker the chocolate, the higher the nutritional values and the quantity of magnesium.

Even if it may still contain nutrients, the nutritional value of milk chocolate decreases if it is filled with processed components and added sugars.

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1 thought on “7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day”

  1. B Andruskiewicz

    You didn’t mention the heavy metals that are in most dark chocolates. …such as cadmium and lead.

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