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6 Surprising Foods That Sabotage Your Metabolism

artificial sweetener
Photo by Josep Suria from Shutterstock

6. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame are definitely one of the most deceiving foods that slow metabolism. They propagate the myth that you can satisfy your cravings with no calories and no guilt. However, aspartame is actually known to have many adverse health effects, including apoptotic changes in the brain, altered brain antioxidant status, and accelerated aging.

Both sucralose and aspartame can increase cravings and stimulate your appetite for carbohydrates. The calorie “savings” from eating foods containing aspartame end up sabotaging your metabolism due to the increase in appetite and calorie consumption.

What to do instead: Go for stevia instead, a no-calorie, all-natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant.

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