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These 9 Processed Foods Are Good for You

meal processed food
Image By evrymmnt From Shutterstock

Dried fruit

As you well know, dried fruits come in packages and are sold right next to candy bars. Well, does that mean dried fruits are way too processed to be healthy? No. Even if they don’t have the water content you would normally see in fresh apples and berries, dried fruits have just as many nutrients. If you’re looking for a good product, then you definitely need to try this.

As a matter of fact, they might even contain more fiber and antioxidants than the good old fresh versions, as you get to eat more of them per serving. Moreover, raisins are a wonderful energy-boosting snack you could keep in your bag.

They are full of fiber, iron, and carbs, which can easily fuel both your brain and muscles. Also, if you want to snack on dried fruits in a convenient, healthy bar, we highly recommend That’s It bars. They are made solely with dried fruit, and they have the same nutritional value as a whole apple or mango.

Frozen whole-grain waffles

Frozen waffles are generally made with refined flour, and while they might not be the ideal choice for breakfast, they are still a wonderful way to start your morning.

First, they’re a nutritious type of processed food, given that they pack complex carbohydrates and fiber, which further promote sustained energy and a healthier digestive system.

Besides, they’re the tastiest, most convenient, and most versatile choices in most cases, so we shouldn’t drag their name around just because they’re processed. Having whole-grain waffles with a layer of nut butter and fruit on top is actually seen as a healthy breakfast, so go ahead and eat your waffles!

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