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Sleep Apnea Is Scary! Avoid These 5 Foods to Prevent It Right NOW

sleep apnea foods
Image By gostua From Shutterstock

Good sleep apnea foods: Low-Fat Dairy

Dairy is healthy to eat in moderation, and some of it also comes up on the sleep apnea foods list. Low-fat dairy is going to be beneficial for your body in more ways than one. Not only is dairy a great way in which you can get your daily intake of proteins, calcium, and vitamin D, but if you make sure to switch to low-fat dairy, you will be able to see a lot more health benefits and even improvements with your sleep apnea.

If you have sleep apnea, you already know that your weight can make your symptoms worse, and switching to low-fat dairy can help you keep those great foods in your diet while also making sure you keep your weight under control, or you may even lose some weight, all while getting all the nutrients you need and managing your sleep apnea symptoms!

A lot of adults do not know that they have a vitamin D deficiency, even if they are going outside and eating dairy. A good way to know if you have low vitamin D levels is to do some bloodwork related to that and then, if you are deficient, take some supplements to help you get your vitamin D levels back on track. These are the ones we like to use, and you can get them on Amazon for only $12.33.

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