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Sleep Apnea Is Scary! Avoid These 5 Foods to Prevent It Right NOW

sleep apnea foods
Image By monticello From Shutterstock

Good sleep apnea foods: Fruit and Vegetables

If there was something you probably expected from this sleep apnea foods list, it was probably this entry on it! Veggies and fruits are known to be helpful when introduced to all diets, as a diet that is rich in nutrients and healthy foods is going to benefit your overall health. This is also true when it comes to sleep apnea, as there are a lot of fruits and vegetables that have a lot of nutrients and vitamins that will help you breathe easier as well as improve the ways in which your blood vessels function.

In particular, you should make sure you get your daily intake of vitamin E and vitamin C so that you can help your system regulate breathing easier, which in turn will help you manage your sleep apnea symptoms as well.

Not to mention, snacking on some fruits and veggies is way healthier than turning to sweets and cookies every time you need to snack on something. This does not mean to totally cut out your favorite treats in favor of fruits or vegetables, but rather that you should keep them as treats instead of a common occurrence so that you can introduce more nutrients and vitamins to your diet naturally through fruits and vegetables.

Speaking of sleep and food, there are some things you can eat so that you can get better sleep, no matter if you have sleep apnea or not! Make sure you check out the best foods you can eat before you sleep here!

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