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6 Delicious COVID-19-Fighting Breakfasts You Have to Try This Season!

COVID-19-fighting breakfasts
Photo by zefirchik06 from

6. Pancakes

How much do you love these COVID-19-fighting breakfasts? I’m all about foods that will nourish my body and keep germs and bacteria away from me.

If you like to indulge in some fluffy pancakes in the morning, why not make a healthier alternative that is just as tasty? Combine one banana with two whole eggs and a scoop of protein powder for extra nutrients, mix them well, and cook them as you would normally do with regular pancakes.

Serve them with maple syrup or your favorite fresh fruit, and you’ll have the perfect combination of carbs, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, so no virus can get close to you.

We’ve talked about protein powder more times in this article because it is great for helping you build lean muscles and keeping you fuller for longer. If you’re looking for the best product to support your goals and keep you healthy throughout all these seasons, here‘s a great one you should try!

If you want to read something else from Nutrition in USA, here’s an excellent article for you: 7 Calcium-Rich Foods That Will Definitely Strengthen Your Bones

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