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6 Delicious COVID-19-Fighting Breakfasts You Have to Try This Season!

COVID-19-fighting breakfasts
Photo by Brent Hofacker from

3. Scrambled eggs with veggies

If you prefer savory COVID-19-fighting breakfasts, we’ve got you covered! What about indulging in a tasty and creamy portion of scrambled eggs, paired with some crunchy veggies?

This is a filling and nutritious meal that is high in protein, healthy fats, fibers, and healthy carbs, but it will also nourish your body with great nutrients and minerals, such as selenium and riboflavin.

Scrambled eggs are part of my favorite COVID-19-fighting breakfasts because they’re easy to make, salty, and delicious. I like to eat two whole eggs, add some cheese in there for extra calcium and protein, throw in some peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and parsley, and I’m good to go. If you’re feeling extra fancy and have a bit of time, grab a piece of toast and a glass of orange juice for extra vitamins.

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