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KFC’s Worst Menu Choices: 6 Items to Avoid

Image By Patcharaporn Puttipon4289 From Shutterstock

#6 Sodas

Sugary beverages, like those served at KFC, can be harmful to one’s health; therefore, it’s essential to be aware of this. For instance, because they don’t fill you up, you’re more likely to consume additional calories. Studies have revealed that those who regularly consume sugary beverages put on more weight than those who do not.

Additionally, excessive amounts of fructose from sugary drinks being converted to fat in the liver can increase the likelihood of liver disease. A “stepping stone” to type 2 diabetes, they can also result in insulin resistance, a factor in metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, they have been connected to a rise in visceral fat, which builds up in the belly, a lack of necessary nutrients, and an increased risk of dementia, gout, addiction, cancer, dental decay, and heart disease.

It’s crucial to keep in mind the potential health risks linked to consuming sugary drinks and to take alternate options like water or unsweetened beverages into account.

You should also check out: 7 McDonald’s Menu Items You Should NEVER Order

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18 thoughts on “KFC’s Worst Menu Choices: 6 Items to Avoid”

  1. I NEVER eat fast food. I eat only organic fresh and raw when possible. My BMI hovers around 16-17. I’m
    6′ and weigh ~132pds and exercise daily in my work in the construction field. I’m 76 and could pass for 56.
    The general population eating the standard diet will never be healthy and have pot bellies and huge butts.
    The analogy would be like always adding water to the gas in the car and complaining to the mechanic about poor performance. We also have the influence of BigPharma on the protocols doctor’s must follow, for instance, a patient with diabetes will be put on insulin for life ($ to Pharma) with no consultation about food choices or exercise.

    1. I fully agree with what Peter said. I recently had a physical with my doctor. I asked him if he has had extensive schooling in nutrition. He told me that he has only learned the basics of nutrition. Jerry

    2. You are making good food food choices but are severely underweight. A healthy and optonal bmi is 20-22. You can gain more by adding more Protein suvh as nuts and seeds and beans. and avocado oil. Sprouted grain bread. At 6 feet it woikd be good to weigh 155-165. And do weights for more muscle.

    3. I’m glad you’re healthy and that’s good for you but your comment about diabetes was idiotic. Type one diabetics do not make natural insulin. Without insulin they will die. They cannot control their diabetes without insulin. They cannot Control it with diet. As for type two diabetics, there are many many options before we get to insulin, including diet controlled.

  2. Kentucky fried chicken has to much sodium in the batter , they stop selling the grill chicken with could be better for your health, the sides are very dry no spice

  3. And I LOVE it!! I eat it often. I don’t care about a lot of meat, EVER, so I enjoy the sauce with the veggies and great tasting crispy crust. This won’t stop me from ordering it. In fact, now you’ve got me craving it. LOL We all gotta die sometime. I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs, so I guess I’ll just eat myself to death eating the wrong things. I LOVE the POT PIE!!

    1. In total agreement with you Jerry, I will eat KFC until or if they go out of business… love me some KFC not to mention their sides that are quite delicious….mmmm mmm good !

  4. However we got two Chicken Pot Pies yesterday and No Carrots and No whole diced potatoes and Very little chicken and the crust wasn’t as done as other times that we have had them and yummy then plus it was t Hot enough
    Very disappointed too

  5. Ernest Cooper

    I love the last comment I see on this sight-Ha! I also love their chicken (original recipe) and their ‘Gravy’ and potatoes oh, and i love their coleslaw as well. As the person said in the last comment, we all have to die sometime !!

  6. I REALLY wish they would put the GRILLED CHICKEN back on their menu. Now I go to CHICK Fa LA for grilled chicken.

  7. I quit eating kfc awhile ago when I tasted the salt in the breading, I used to enjoy it but that salt really turns me off. It used to be good once in awhile but have not tried it in the past couple years. They changed something in it.

  8. Tim DeBardelaben

    The sad thing about KFC is that the majority of America thinks their false advertisement of Original recipient is true. Remember they originally would advertise their chicken as finger licking good. At least they stopped using that logo.

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