What are the side effects and dangers of a restrictive diet?
Complete avoidance of any food group, junk foods included, can harm your physical or mental health. A restrictive and rigid dietary pattern can lead to anxiety and eating disorders. It might leave you constantly worried about avoiding these foods at all costs.
Because junk foods are everywhere nowadays, from social gatherings to grocery stores, you might be incapable of avoiding them altogether. An obsessive desire to avoid such foods can even lead you to avoid socializing.
This, again, can leave you unhappy or depressed. Moreover, studies suggest that avoiding certain food groups can help you improve your health or make you lose some weight short term. But in the long run, you might end up bingeing more.
And this compensatory eating will do more harm than eating these foods in moderation.
…So, on that note, let’s see the “healthy” junk food options you have!