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Enjoy These 14 Healthy Christmas Foods!

Following a diet? Enjoy these healthy Christmas foods: 

Whether you’re attempting to live a better lifestyle or are on a diet, the holidays frequently take a backseat. With a house full of guests and a ton of appetizing food on the table, it’s impossible to stay away from temptations.

According to nutritionists, a simple Christmas dinner contains around 3,500 calories. Woosh! That’s way too much, for sure. But Christmas and winter celebrations are for fun, for quality time spent with the people we love, and you definitely shouldn’t be worried about the calorie intake and the macros.

We have some excellent news to relieve you of that tension! These are some healthy Christmas foods that you can enjoy guilt-free throughout this festive season:

healthy Christmas foods
Photo by Konmac from Shutterstock

Smoked salmon

One of the first go-to healthy Christmas foods that can be eaten by anyone (no matter if you’re on a diet or not) is smoked salmon. Jam-packed with proteins, Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids and magnesium smoked salmon makes the perfect appetizer for Christmas morning. Combine it with scrambled eggs for an even tastier meal.

Since it contains protein will help you feel filled for longer! Having a breakfast high in protein also helps you avoid munching on unhealthy stuff during the day. If at all feasible, choose wild or organic salmon.

Brussels sprouts

There was a huge debate about whether we should include Brussels sprouts on the list of healthy Christmas foods or not, since not many people like eating them. But the truth is that they are very healthy and tasty if prepared accordingly.

Brussels sprouts are a fantastic source of fiber, which helps to maintain intestinal health, as well as vitamin C and folate. If you’re having problems eating them, try roasting and boiling them with flavorful ingredients like pomegranate seeds and pecans, chili, garlic, lemon zest or juice, nutmeg, chestnuts, or pistachios and hazelnuts.

Dark chocolate

…Mmm! Who’s up for a tasty cake glazed with chocolate? But instead of regular milk chocolate, opt for dark chocolate with 95% cocoa. Apart from having fewer grams of sugar than other types, premium dark chocolate also has trace amounts of iron, magnesium, and manganese, which are healthy minerals. Dark chocolate may modestly decrease blood pressure and enhance blood flow, according to studies.

Consider creating your chocolate bark and decorating it with toasted hazelnuts and dried cranberries. Do you love these fruits? That’s awesome because that leads us to the next healthy Christmas foods on the list.


Cranberries are high in vitamin C whether they are fresh or frozen, but since they are tart, many cranberry products are full of sugar.
It is advised by nutritionists to make your homemade cranberry sauce rather than purchasing it from the supermarket.

To cut back on sugar, try preparing your cranberry sauce or creating a mocktail by combining orange juice with a sugar-free cranberry drink. We can guarantee your guests will be delighted and ask for the secret recipe right away!

…psst! Since Christmas is just around the corner and most probably you’re eager to have dinner with your family, we recommend you check out this book full of mouth-watering recipes that are also healthy and nutritious. 100 Healthy Christmas Recipes: From The Healthy Christmas Cookbook To The Table is only $10.99 on Amazon. 

Red cabbage

Among healthy Christmas foods is also the tasty red cabbage. Red cabbage, which is high in vitamin C, is a fantastic Christmas dish to ward against disease during the festivities.

Chopped red cabbage contains 56% of the daily required amount of vitamin C, which fortifies the immune system by promoting the creation of white blood cells that combat infections and invasive microorganisms. Red cabbage may be eaten raw in salads, boiled with potatoes, or combined with your favorite minced meat.


It’s time to go nuts! Chestnuts might be a great option for you if you’re a vegetarian or you’re actively trying to consume less meat. They are also among the healthy Christmas foods that are loaded with fatty acids that improve the skin and the heart.

Let’s all agree that a platter of just-roasted chestnuts is the perfect festive snack, certain to make everyone’s heart sing. Moreover, diced and added to salads or homemade soups are excellent ways to use chestnuts. Chestnuts are among the greatest foods for beta-carotene.

Dates and figs

Dried figs and dates are a delicious and festive addition to cereal or porridge, making them perfect for a hearty wintertime meal. In addition to providing potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium, dried figs can contribute toward your five a day—two dried figs or three dates serve as one serving.

Figs are a flavorful addition to many sweet and savory recipes; try them with cheese or in salads, either fresh or dried.


Gingerbread with nuts and chocolate glaze? If this is on the menu I am definitely up for it! Nuts that are raw and unsalted are widely recognized for their health advantages. Opening nuts in front of the fireplace and breaking them out of their shells is the very definition of festiveness.

Almonds have been shown to decrease cholesterol, and walnuts are a vegan source of omega-3. Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium, a vitamin that is necessary for the immune system to operate properly.

healthy Christmas foods
Photo by Viktoriya Krayn from Shutterstock

Clementines, satsumas, and tangerines

I can’t possibly think of a more vivid childhood memory without tangerines during the winter season. Clementines, satsumas, and tangerines are another three healthy Christmas foods that everybody should eat.

These are all simple to consume on the move or at home, and they’re high in vitamin C, which boosts immunity and keeps you healthy over the winter. Remember to stuff some into the stockings of your loved ones as well!


Carrots are one of those healthy Christmas foods that don’t need any introduction. They supply beta carotene, which the body uses to produce vitamin A, which is necessary for immune system function and normal eyesight. The good news is that there are a plethora of ways to cook carrots.

They may be shredded for salads, cooked with herbs like thyme and rosemary, or mashed with cumin. Carrots taste delicious when steamed or served raw, perfect for a vegan Christmas party dip with hummus.


If you want to surprise your guests with something else than the regular turkey or beef, you can always opt for some mouth-watering seafood. Not everybody indeed likes it, but if your family does then it’s the perfect opportunity to sneak in some more healthy Christmas foods on the dinner menu.

Seafood is high in protein, low in calories and carbs, and an excellent source of other nutrients. A combined leaf salad and homemade olive oil mayonnaise, flavored with lemon or dill, complement a gorgeous fish dish nicely. Savor it as an appetizer for your Christmas lunch or as dinner on Christmas Eve.

Which one of these healthy Christmas foods will you choose to indulge yourself and your guests with?

Are you following a specific diet or one of your guests is dealing with diabetes? Then you might be interested in checking out this article: 9 Holiday Tips for People With Diabetes

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