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6 Brilliant Tips for Every Coffee Lover

If you love coffee as much as we do, you NEED to read about these tips!

Did you know that coffee is our planet’s most consumed drink after water? We’re not surprised, seeing as it’s that delicious morning thing most of us wake searching for.

Before or after taking a shower, we rush to our liquid gold maker and brew a cup of Joe to give us that morning wake-up kick and energy we need. Though on the flip side, as much as the beverage is loved by many, Java addiction IS a real thing, so mind your levels of intake.

But since we love this drink so much, naturally, we’re eager to learn as many new coffee facts as possible.

So we’ve put together a list of coffee tips and tricks that you need in your life to make the perfect cup of Joe, as well as some ideas just to improve your experience with this drink. Continue reading to find out more!

We can already smell Mocha and Latte everywhere!

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First, The Most Important Thing About The Perfect Brew!

Always make sure you have fresh coffee on hand because if you don’t, then no matter which brewing technique you use, it will hardly have any satisfying effect with stale coffee.

So it would be best if you typically tried to find a bag of Java with the most recent grinding date because this will significantly impact the cup of Joe’s quality. Whenever you can, grind your coffee yourself at home.

You can easily afford a low-cost hand mill and make your coffee-making process more controlled, personal, and professional!

Fun Fact: It’s rumored that a goat herder discovered coffee in Ethiopia sometime in the 1500s. When he saw his goats eating coffee cherries, he observed a change in their behavior and shared his discoveries with some monks.

They experimented with brewing cherries as they did with tea. The result? It shouldn’t surprise you! They couldn’t fall asleep.

Now, let’s get to those fantastic tips…and as a bonus, you’ll get some yummy alternatives to consuming this favorite drink! 

Arabica Vs. Robusta

There are generally two types of coffee plants: Arabica and Robusta. Compared to Robusta, arabica coffee has a superior flavor and is smoother. The Robusta has a more bitter taste that many people dislike.

Yet, the Robusta has around twice as much caffeine as the Arabica. So, if you want a pleasant flavor, go for the Arabica, and if you’re looking for a caffeine boost, choose the Robusta.

Just be aware that because the plant is more sensitive to disease than Robusta, arabica coffee is normally more expensive.

Ice Cubes: During those hot summer months, we tend to go for the iced version of this drink . But sometimes, the Java doesn’t seem to be as good. Well, here’s a genius tip: don’t use traditional ice cubes. Make some coffee ice cubes instead!

This way, you’ll still get that rich coffee flavor as the ice cubes begin to melt.

Should You Weigh It?

The answer is: YES! Most of us have been measuring our coffee with a spoon. But this might not be a good idea because, technically, coffee should be measured on a scale. The explanation for this is multifaceted.

For example, coffees have different mass, and some types of this drink can retain more moisture during the roasting process. You can never tell the difference by using a spoon. Only a scale can give you the most precise measure of coffee you should add.

Jelly: Have some leftover liquid gold? Don’t toss it! Use it to create coffee jelly. It’s a tasty dessert for coffee lovers when topped with thick whipped cream.

This simple-to-make recipe includes deep-flavored Java, sweetened with sugar, solidified into a jiggly mass, and topped with a lightly whipped vanilla cream!

Photo by Shaiith at Shutterstock

Grinding Your Coffee

The best time for grinding your beans would be right before you want to brew a cup, to get the most out of them. The grounded kind has a smaller surface area than whole beans do, making it simpler to keep fresh.

You should grind your coffee to make it simpler for the water to absorb the oils from the beans, but this process also releases the aromatics in the ground coffee, causing it to degrade.

Therefore, grind your beans fresh each time, if you want to get the best out of your cup. If you’re already buying Java beans, investing in a grinder will dramatically improve the quality of your brew.

Add Some Cinnamon: Another great tip is to put a bit of cinnamon in your cup as a healthier alternative to sweeteners. Cinnamon gives you a nice cognitive boost, as well!

Plus, it’s known for many health benefits, including reducing your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It’s an all-around great combo.

How’s The Quality Of Your Water?

Another frequently ignored aspect of brewing this magic juice is the quality of the water we use. Using mineral-rich hard water will cause the dissolved particles in the liquid to bind poorly, resulting in a coffee that’s under-extracted and weak.

Spring water or filtered tap water will result in the tastiest Java ever.

Caramel Marshmallow Coffee Creamer: Just because you enjoy your morning cup of Joe with a bit of cream doesn’t mean you have to go broke. You don’t have to spend all your cash on cream when there’s a more budget-friendly alternative.

You can make your own creamer at home with the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 cups of half and half
  • 1.5 cups of milk
  • .5 a cup of sugar
  • 1 (7.5oz) container of marshmallow cream
  • 1 (12oz) jar of caramel topping
  • Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract

Do you Prefer Your Coffee Iced?

Then you might want to consider cold-brewing your liquid gold, especially if you like your coffee ice cold. There are even a ton of recipes you can find on the internet to give this yummy drink a kick.

Most of them tell you to combine a few cups of water with several ounces of ground coffee and let it sit covered overnight. After straining off the grounds, you’ll get a smooth, rich concentrate that can be mixed with some cream or water. And then you just add some ice.

Opt For Butter Instead Of Cream: You may wonder why so many people have been putting butter in their Java. Well, it turns out that adding fat helps your body absorb caffeine, so your drink offers an even better boost than ever.

Better still, it can help you better with memory performance, get you edgy in your next exercise, and can help you lose weight. So for those who watch their weight, this tip will guarantee you have your calories checked.

Photo by Haiduchyk Aliaksei at Shutterstock

As A Final Thought…

Due to the difference in density, your liquid gold is actually layered from the bottom to the top. So, giving it a good stir will make your coffee more homogeneous and nuanced in taste.

Besides drinking, coffee making can also be a special moment of pleasure and delight when done with care and skill. Real Java lovers revel in these small parts of the day that get us in the ultimate mood of relaxation and joy!

We also know that fans of this delicious drink will look forward to any type of tip we can get! So on that note, make sure you leave us a comment and share with us any smart hacks you might know.

And in the meantime, our site has many more amazing nutrition hacks for you to enjoy, including: Is Mint THAT Miraculous? 5 Benefits of Growing This Super Herb

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