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Top 9 Amazing Foods That Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Which foods are your favorites?

You’ll probably be surprised to learn that cholesterol is actually good for you. It all depends on how much of it you have in circulation. You may be scared after the last visit to your doctor, but you don’t need to be. First of all, let me tell you how cholesterol works and what its definition is. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat substance found in all our cells, and it’s essential for them to function properly. And if you have high levels of cholesterol, that might be pretty bad because it’s linked directly to heart failure.

Believe it or not, your diet has a powerful effect on your cholesterol. And because we are here to guide you through a healthy journey, there are plenty of tasty foods that you can eat daily in order to reduce the high levels of cholesterol in your body.

1. Psyllium

The most efficient way to lower cholesterol levels is by eating foods that contain a lot of fiber. And the best source of healthy fiber is psyllium. This plant is basically the number one remedy for constipation, and you can easily include it in your diet. Studies have shown that 10 grams of psyllium can help you lower the cholesterol levels in your body if it’s consumed for at least one month straight.

You can either find it in powder form or in capsules. Doctors recommend eating it raw, mixed with yoghurt as a healthy breakfast. This magical ingredient is also used by people who are actively trying to lose weight. It has a lot of benefits, so why not start eating it now?

Photo by 5PH From Shutterstock

2. Nuts

These tasty foods are another nutrient that will help you lower your cholesterol levels. Because they’re rich in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, they will also help to maintain normal functioning of the heart. The most recommended nuts are walnuts and almonds. They can be eaten as a snack or mixed with your favorite yoghurt. I prefer them mixed with Greek yoghurt, which is also a great source of protein.

It’s been proven that almonds are rich in L-arginine, which helps regulate blood pressure. But they’re also a great calcium and potassium source.

How often do you eat almonds? What about walnuts? Studies have shown that eating a daily portion of nuts will help you lower your risk of heart disease.

3. Garlic

Most people don’t know that garlic has been recognized as the number one treatment for cholesterol. It’s not only delicious but also very healthy, and it’s so versatile that you can add it to your daily meals. I remember when my grandma told me to eat garlic because it had a lot of medicinal properties, but I never liked its taste. I should have listened to my grandma! But time has passed, and I find myself loving it.

Doctors recommend garlic, among other foods, because it can lower bad cholesterol in your body but also if you happen to suffer from venous thrombosis. You can incorporate garlic in raw form with any dish you like, or if you don’t like the taste, you can find it in powdered form, which is nice to use as a spice. Yummy!

Do you know of any other super foods that help reduce cholesterol levels in your body?

4. Beans

Beans are among my favorite foods because they are a great source of soluble fiber. I tend to combine them with grilled turkey and it keeps me full for longer after lunch. Beans take a bit longer to digest properly, which is why a lot of people who are trying to lose weight incorporate them into their meals.

We have a large variety of beans from which we can choose, such as chickpeas, peas, and lentils. Doctors tend to recommend eating beans for three weeks, at least four times a week, for better results. If you can, take another test after one month to see if your cholesterol levels are lower.

Do you know of any other healthy foods that can help you reduce the bad cholesterol in your body?

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5. Use olive oil

I started using olive oil five years ago. The taste is better than the sunflower kind, plus it contains a large amount of monosaturated fat. If you can find virgin oil, it is preferable because refined oil loses its nutritional value.

It has been proven that people who consume olive oil more than twice a week lower their risk of major heart disease. How often do you use olive oil? I use it daily for salads, but you can also combine it with other healthy foods.

6. Oats 

I love oats in every possible way. That’s why I try to include it as much as possible in my daily routine. Having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast is an easy first step towards improving your cholesterol levels. It’s up to you if you want to eat it plain or combined with a fruit(banana or strawberry). As a single ingredient, it provides between 1 and 2 grams of soluble fiber and for an adult, the daily recommendation for fiber is 20 to 30 grams, and this can be easily reached if you consume foods that are rich in soluble fiber.

Psst! Here are some oatmeal recipes we think you’ll love !

7. Vegetables

Vegetables are the healthy foods that our parents made us eat as children. Growing up I was made to understand that they are mandatory for a healthy diet. They have an abundance of antioxidants and fiber, plus they are very low in calories. So if you’re also trying to follow a healthier diet regarding weight loss, vegetables are definitely a way to go.

Did you know that vegetables like eggplants, sweet potatoes, and carrots are rich in pectin? This is a soluble fiber that helps maintain a good cholesterol level.

8. Avocados

One of my favorite foods is definitely avocado. Not only for its taste, but also for its magnificent properties. According to research, people who substitute avocados for other fats live healthier lives. Don’t forget to add a few slices of avocado to your sandwiches and salads or mash them with a bit of garlic and tomatoes for an awesome guacamole.

Photo by Sea Wave From Shutterstock

9. Fatty Fish

Fish is an important source of protein, but also a great source of vitamin D. And salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids that are very good for boosting your heart functions. If you want to begin a Mediterranean diet, one of the main foods that you must include in it is fish. Besides lowering cholesterol levels and keeping your heart healthy, fish also has anti-inflammatory properties.

According to a recent study, adults who consumed tuna or other fish at least twice a week had a 30% lower risk of stroke. That’s amazing! But remember that the healthiest way to cook fish is to boil or bake it in order to keep its nutrients intact.

There are plenty of other foods that lower cholesterol levels, but these are a good place to start if you are dedicated to forming eating habits that are healthy. One important thing is to stay away from unsaturated fats and eat more foods that contain fiber, monounsaturated fats, and Omega-3. Doing this will definitely help you improve your cholesterol level.

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