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These 10 Taco Bell Items Can Be Toxic, Nutritionists Say

taco bell
Photo by junpinzon from Shutterstock

XXL Grilled Stuft Burrito

Here’s a crucial question: Should you really order anything that starts with XXL? Well, the answer is probably no, probably because we’re talking about 870 calories per serving, half of which come from fat. Eating one of these XXL boys might load you up with 90% of your daily sodium allowance, which is too much.

The oversized burrito is filled to maximum capacity with a ton of salty, seasoned beef, a lot of rice, guacamole, fatty cheese, avocado ranch sauce, and on top of that, beans. So for anyone who tries to eat slightly moderately and keep a balanced diet, we really suggest you stay away from such a monster.

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8 thoughts on “These 10 Taco Bell Items Can Be Toxic, Nutritionists Say”

    1. Well maybe true one doesn’t have to choose Taco Bell but it IS people’s business to know just how bad the food is for your health

  1. I think everyone should get in touch with their bodies, people are killing themselves slowly by eating toxic foods.

  2. As a person who is highly sensitive to salt, I appreciate this reminder. I know Taco Bell is high in sodium, everything on the menu is salt or sugar or fatty, all too much for one meal. It breaks my heart, to be honest. Taco Bell USED to be one of the best fast food places available but they did away with several of the more healthy choices and replaced them with the less expensive ingredients which are also high in salt, sugar, and fat. Every company needs to be conscious of the cost v profit but this is just too much. I don’t eat at TacoBell any more and it used to be my go to for at least a few meals a week. No, thank you.

  3. They say all fast food places are not good for your health but I say that as little as we eat out, I don’t think it would hurt buying out a couple times a month. We spend enough on our food each week at the grocery store but there’s a different taste from food that you buy out and especially if we don’t have to cook it.

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