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14 Incredible Cancer-Fighting Herbs for Optimal Health

Cancer Fighting Herb
Photo by masamasa3 at Shutterstock


Rosemary, which is popularly used in French, Spanish, and Italian cuisine, has a big reputation as being a memory booster. And research suggests that it can help fight diseases as well.

This cancer-fighting herb has beneficial compounds like rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, which inhibit cancer cells, including those of  small cell lung carcinoma, liver carcinoma, breast adenocarcinoma, chronic myeloid leukemia, and prostate adenocarcinoma.

Studies also indicate that rosemary extracts can retard certain chemically induced cancers.


This bright powder is known as the king of the cancer-fighting spices. Turmeric includes the ingredient curcumin.

This ingredient has been shown to hinder the development of various cancer cells, including brain tumors, bone, breast, pancreatic, colon, liver, stomach, bladder, kidney, prostate, leukemia, ovarian cancers, and melanoma.

This cancer-fighting herb has been known worldwide as an antibacterial and antiseptic agent to treat infection and inflammation. But also to support wound healing and improve digestion.

One of its most powerful anti-cancer benefits is its ability to influence apoptosis, the programmed cell death of cancer cells without damaging any other healthy cells.

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