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14 Incredible Cancer-Fighting Herbs for Optimal Health

Cancer Fighting Herb
Photo by Afanasieva at Shutterstock


This aromatic member of the mint family is also a natural cancer fighter. One study found that thyme essential oil was toxic to prostate carcinoma, lung carcinoma, and breast cancer cells.

Carvacrol, a significant compound in thyme, could be responsible for this anticancer activity. As an adaptogen and powerful immuno-stimulant, this cancer-fighting herb enhances the clean-up of white cells.

It’s a fantastic companion to curcumin, astragalus, and echinacea. Research shows that it can also reduce the size of tumors, particularly among skin cancer patients. It even helps reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.


One of the best private hospitals in Southeast Asia highly praises the benefits of freshly juiced wheatgrass. A single shot gives you the chlorophyll of over 25 pounds of broccoli! It acts as a blood purifier, and kidney and liver cleansing agent.

From the research that has been performed, blood and tissue oxygen levels improve after a couple of weeks of using this cancer-fighting herb daily, and so does circulation.

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