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14 Incredible Cancer-Fighting Herbs for Optimal Health

Cancer Fighting Herb
Photo by Grigorii Pisotsckii at Shutterstock

Red Clover

Research carried out by numerous cancer centers, including the Royal Marsden, has shown that this cancer-fighting herb has great potential as a part of a treatment program against estrogen-driven cancers, from prostate to breast.

An active ingredient in the so-called Herb of Hippocrates is Genistein, which a professor, formerly of the Royal Marsden, called “the anti-estrogen.”


Guduchi is a cancer-fighting herb traditionally used to enhance learning ability and memory. But this herb also exhibits potent anticancer properties. In animal studies, it’s been discovered to have a preventative effect on chemically induced liver cancer.

The way Guduchi works is by reversing damage to liver cells and improving the level of antioxidants and detoxifying enzymes. Studies on mice have also found that it can inhibit skin tumors and slow down the development of tumors in Dalton’s lymphoma.

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