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Wow: These 12 Amazing Foods Will Help You Lose Belly Fat

Is gaining weight around your waistline often an issue for you? I used to have this problem too, especially when trying to lose body fat from my arms, legs and belly. And in all fairness, it’s not a very appealing look either. Getting rid of belly fat is not only conducive to feeling and looking good, but also to maintaining good health.

If you’ve been trying this for a long time then you should know by now that diet is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. With a proper diet and by eating the right number of foods in the right amounts you’ll eventually strip away layer after layer. Nobody said it’s going to be easy but if you’re consistent results won’t chase to appear.

Did you know that there are a lot of foods that burn belly fat? And the good news is that they’re not only healthy but tasty at the same time. So to make sure you’re not making any mistakes regarding your diet we will show you 12 best foods that you should be eating regularly to lose that belly fat for real.

1. Avocados 

If you’ve been following our page, then you’ve probably already noticed how much I like to praise avocado as one of the best and healthiest choices around when it comes to fruit, seeing as they come with a plethora of benefits. Simply because unlike other foods, avocados are full of healthy monounsaturated fats and they are also rich in fiber, which is going to help you feel satiated for longer.

Avocados will not only help you burn belly fat, but they’ll also fill you up with the vitamins your body needs. It’s going to be a win-win situation, especially now when autumn is getting closer and we need a boost for our immune system.

belly fat
Photo by Summer 1810 From Shutterstock

2. Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are a huge source of Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. They are amazing to eat with yogurt or salads because they can also help reduce inflammation. If you have high cholesterol levels, you may want to incorporate flaxseed in your diet. It has been proven that an average number of adults that eat flaxseed daily for breakfast have less belly fat compared to those who don’t.

How do you like to consume them? Here are plenty of flaxseed recipes for a fresh breakfast.

3. Eggs

Eggs are tasty and full of protein, which is why you should definitely consider including them in your diet. They can also help you feel full longer while also having a very low number of calories. It has been proven that our bodies can absorb and assimilate the protein from eggs very easily, and this is very important, especially when you are trying to lose body fat.

Eggs can also prevent you from having muscle loss while you’re in a calorie deficit. A medium-sized egg contains less than 70 calories. You’re eating a tasty meal and you’re speeding up your metabolism. How cool is that?

4. Berries 

These seasonal fruits are delicious and come with quite a few benefits. Compared with other fruits, berries are very low in carbohydrates while also being rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Antioxidants can help you with improving your muscle tissue while at the same time assist you in your fat loss journey. Just be careful because some berries contain more sugar than others, and the best types of berries that are recommended for fat loss are strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries.

5. Apple cider vinegar

This, unlike other foods mentioned before, is more of a beverage. And it’s been very popular ever since people discovered its benefits. Apple cider vinegar has been used by people trying to lose weight, but mostly belly fat, just by consuming a small quantity in a day. It’s recommended to drink one or two tablespoons of vinegar daily (make sure you dilute it with water) because, apart from reducing a few centimeters on your waistline, it’ll also lower the blood sugar spikes after every meal.

6. Oats

When it comes to dieting, it’s not unusual for people to have cravings, and unfortunately tend to fall off track. That’s why it’s important to keep a balanced meal plan but also have two snacks per day whenever you feel like munching on something. Oats are rich in a fiber called beta-glucan that’s beneficial for insulin-resistant people, but it’s also great for weight loss, especially belly fat.

If you want something delicious but also filling to start your day with, you can try oatmeal for breakfast with a fruit topping. This is my favorite go-to meal because it manages my appetite during the day.

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Photo by Maryia_K From Shutterstock

7. Tuna 

When it comes to canned fish, tuna is my favorite one to eat straight from the can, sometimes paired with tomatoes and lettuce. Tuna is a very lean fish, made up entirely of protein. Wow! This is basically a great way to include even more protein into your diet without worrying about calories. Just make sure that if you buy canned tuna, you get water-canned tuna because the one canned in oil has more calories.

Fish is one of the best foods when it comes to burning belly fat, no matter if it’s lean or fatty. And by fatty fish, I’m referring to salmon, which is another great source of protein, plus it contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are amazing for your heart too.

8. Green tea 

This tasty drink can help you speed up fat loss, but doesn’t mean that if you are sitting on the couch and you drink two cups of green tea per day, you’ll magically get rid of the belly fat. It doesn’t work like that. Furthermore, it has been proven that green tea contains ECGC that can help you with weight loss.

A lot of doctors recommend it, especially as a coffee replacement in the morning, but also for fat loss and an energy boost. You can also take green tea as a supplement in capsule form, but you should know that it will have a slower release into the body compared to its liquid form.

9. Yogurt

Yogurt is a natural source of protein, which can help you reduce the fat in your body. Studies reveal that overweight people who started eating one yogurt per day lost a huge amount of fat compared to those who didn’t. How many times a week do you eat yogurt? If you don’t like it plain, you can always mix it up with fruits like raspberries or cereals like oats or psyllium.

10. Green leafy vegetables 

I should have started off by telling you that green leafy vegetables are probably the number one food that you need to eat if you want to lose fat and also increase the energy levels in your body. The most common ones are baby spinach, kale, and cabbage. Why are they so appreciated when it comes to benefits? Because they have the capacity to decrease hunger and help you feel satiated for longer. And a big plus is that they are low in calories! What’s not to love about them?

11. Apples

Did you know that a medium-sized apple has 5 grams of fiber? This is almost 20% of the daily necessary amount for adults. These fibers will not only aid digestion but also keep you healthy and satiated for longer. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” This is what my grandma used to say to me almost daily, especially when I was ready to trade in those apples for chocolate.

Do you have the healthy habit of eating apples?

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Photo by Yuliia Mazurkevych From Shutterstock

12. Chicken breast 

Of course, I can’t leave out the chicken breast! This food is a lean source of protein just like tuna, and it has the same benefit of leaving you full for a small number of calories. If you are trying to reduce cravings, then you must know that including proteins like chicken breast, salmon, eggs, or tuna can help.

By reducing cravings, you will also get rid of late-night snacks, which are a big no-no when it comes to weight loss. Are you aware of these benefits?


Belly fat is stubborn so don’t expect for it to go away in a blink of an eye. In this process you need to be patient and consistent. Besides a healthy diet the best way to prevent regaining belly fat is weight training. Don’t be scared because nobody said you should lift 100 pounds daily. You can begin to see few changes even if you’re doing the workout with 4.4 pounds.

For some more great tips regarding nutrition, we also suggest reading 5 Best Fish to Eat, and 4 to Avoid! 

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