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Best Dietitian-Approved Superfoods: 7 Things to Add to Your Diet

Nutrition in USA presents: dietitian-approved superfoods you should be eating right now!

If you want to be healthy, have clear skin, have the most gorgeous, shiny, and nourished hair ever, and feel amazing, so you can take care of your grandkids, be active, and have an amazing life, you need to pay attention to your diet and be active.

We wanted to know more about the simple things you could do every day to improve the quality of your life, so we’ve come across some dietitian-approved superfoods that will make you feel amazing and give you a fabulous glow from the inside out.

Even though superfood isn’t an official category of foods, the term is meant to stress how amazing some fruits, veggies, and seeds are for you. They’re rich in antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats, and they’re truly health bombs.

So without further ado, if you’re ready to give your diet a boost, here are the best dietitian-approved superfoods you need to add to your diet ASAP!

dietitian-approved superfoods
Photo by iravgustin from

1. Berries

We start off our list of dietitian-approved superfoods with berries because these delicious fruits have passed the test of time when it comes to foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Lots of people know that strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are amazing for their health, thanks to the fact that they’re packed with anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants. They’re also full of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, and all these combined will help you prevent aging, keep inflammation at bay, protect your health, and have good digestion.

Besides the popular berries we’ve previously mentioned, experts discovered that goji and acai are also incredible for you, so don’t skip these because they can make a huge difference in how you feel and look.

You can consume these tasty dietitian-approved superfoods guilt-free, as they’re not too sweet and low in sugar. Whether you like having them plain, with yogurt, chia seeds, and almond butter, or in smoothies, oatmeal, or a salad, they’re some of the foods you should always have in the fridge.

2. Avocados

Avocados are one of the best dietitian-approved superfoods, and they’re here to stay. These creamy and green fruits taste amazing, and they’re rich in the healthiest omega-3 fatty acids, which will help your brain be healthy, your mind sharp, your skin glowy, your hair and nails be strong, and your tummy full.

Not to mention, avocados are one of the most beloved dietitian-approved superfoods, thanks to the fact that they can also protect your heart. They contain a bit of protein, and the combination of fiber, protein, and unsaturated fat will keep you full for hours and hours.

You shouldn’t neglect them, because they’re packed with an impressive source of vitamins C, E, and K, potassium, and B vitamins, such as folate.

Besides the delicious guacamole or avocado toast with an egg on top, you can also eat them in salads, in a sandwich, in soups as toppers, and also in smoothies, puddings, or savory bowls.

Keep reading to discover other fantastic dietitian-approved superfoods!

dietitian-approved superfoods
Photo by Olga Bondarenko from

3. Cruciferous vegetables

Everybody knows that cruciferous vegetables are some of the best dietitian-approved superfoods, and there’s no doubt they’re amazing for your health. Radishes, broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, arugula, kale, watercress, Brussels sprouts, and collards are incredible for your health, and they’re packed with vitamins and minerals that improve your health and overall well-being.

Consuming these dietitian-approved superfoods regularly will prevent constipation and help you maintain normal bowels, while also reducing inflammation, regulating blood sugar, helping you shed a couple of pounds, balancing your estrogen levels, improving your gut health, and enhancing your heart health.

However, experts discovered that too much of these dietitian-approved superfoods could give you excessive gas, so you need to make sure that you massage them with olive oil and lemon if you plan on eating them raw, so they’re easier on your digestive system.

4. Pulses

Did you know that pulses are one of the best dietitian-approved superfoods? The seeds of legume plants, also known as pulses, are very appreciated by eco-friendly people, thanks to their low carbon footprint and sustainable nature.

Vegans and vegetarians know all about how healthy and amazing these dietitian-approved superfoods are, due to their high protein content, iron, fiber, healthy fats, and folate. You can eat them in stews, salads, pasta, soups, and toast, and you’ll get an incredible amount of health benefits.

5. Pistachios

Pistachios might not be the most affordable snack on the market, but they are one of the tastiest dietitian-approved superfoods. This green nut is packed with protein, which is amazing for people who try to eat less meat and focus more on plants.

Moreover, they’re rich in vitamin B6, which is amazing for hair growth, healthy skin and nails, and your brain and nervous system. Pistachios also contain folate, which is important for healthy cell function and growth, as well as for blood cell formation.

Just like the majority of nuts, pistachios are easy to incorporate into recipes. You can add them to smoothies, muffins, nutritious bowls, cakes, or even in pesto or as a thin crust in a fish dish.

If you’re feeling fancy, you can taste pistachios in plant milks, ice creams, and lattes. They might be trendy, but pistachios are one of the most incredible dietitian-approved superfoods you could add to your diet.

dietitian-approved superfoods
Photo by hiroyuki_nakai from

6. Seaweed

We continue with these dietitian-approved superfoods, and this time we’ll talk about seaweed because it’s a nutritious snack that could benefit your health.

Experts say that seaweeds such as kelp and nori will make a big splash this year. Often known as sea greens or sea veggies, it’s a classic ingredient in many Asian cuisines, including Chinese and Japanese. Some people describe the food’s characteristic salty and savory umami flavor.

The reason why seaweed has gained so much popularity is that it contains vital nutrients such as fiber, protein, antioxidants, and iodine, all of which are required for proper thyroid function.

If you’re not convinced why you should consume this snack, you should know that it pairs very well with different meals. Nutritionists say that you can consume seaweed as a powder and add it to smoothies, eat it as flakes on top of grains, or even as sheets in savory soups. If you have seaweed flakes at home, you could sprinkle some in your delicious guacamole and get even more health benefits.

If you want to give this one a try and get all the amazing health benefits of seaweed, I recommend you get this one!

7. Sorghum

If other dietitian-approved superfoods on our list were popular, sorghum isn’t probably one of them. We know that whole grains are an excellent addition to a healthy diet because of the fiber and antioxidants they contain, and sorghum is the new thing you didn’t know you needed.

This food is environmentally friendly, affordable, and gluten-free. It’s resistant to both heat and drought, requiring 30 % less water than comparable grains. Sorghum is one of the tastiest dietitian-approved superfoods, and you can use it as you would any other grain. Toss it in salads, serve it with your go-to protein, or use it to add bulk to soup or chili.

What do you think about all of these dietitian-approved superfoods? Do you consume any of these? How do you feel? Do you know any other dietitian-approved superfoods that are amazing for your health? Let us know in the comments! If you enjoyed reading this article and you want to check out something else from Nutrition in USA, here’s another fantastic post for you: Best 5 Drinks to Strengthen Your Immune System

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