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Does an Apple a Day Really Keep the Doctor Away?

healthy bones
Photo by staras from Shutterstock

10. An apple a day promotes healthy bones

Apples can keep your bones healthy and strong because they contain phloridzin, an antioxidant found in the peels. This flavonoid antioxidant is only found in apples, and it’s linked to building bone density as well as slowing bone breakdown in women after menopause.

Moreover, apples contain boron, a trace mineral that helps in bone formation. Boron has also been shown to protect your body from arthritis, which is when your joints become stiff and worn down. One medium-sized apple contains 0.66 milligrams of boron.

But that’s not all; studies have shown that people who eat fresh apples lose less calcium than those who don’t eat apples. Calcium is known to help keep your bones healthy.

That said, it’s safe to say that an apple a day truly keeps the doctor away. So, next time you go grocery shopping, make sure to stock up on these incredibly healthy fruits!

You may also want to read 6 Premade Foods You Should NEVER Eat (and Why).

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